Theo Raeken 2

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Prompt: Your relationship with Theo over the years.

You weren't someone who trusted people easily. Never had been probably never would be. That's one of the things Theo admired about you. When he came back to Beacon Hills for the first time since grade 4 you had your doubts that it was actually him, like everyone else in you and your brother Scott's pack. That is of course until Theo actually dropped the "bad boy that doesn't give a shit" act and genuinely tried to pick up your friendship where it left off, luckily for him that's what won you over. Eventually over time of Theo being back you two started a relationship. It was amazing at first, he genuinely cared about you and you genuinely cared about him. You trusted him and opened up to him about your problems and he really did seem to care. That is until you found out that he was working for the dread doctors. You were more hurt than you had ever been before in your life. You had wholeheartedly trusted him, you had believed he cared about you, you even loved him (which you had never loved anyone that wasn't in your own family before because you couldn't trust anyone enough to earn that from you). He had broken your heart. When he got dragged to hell you thought that you would be able to move on from him. The only thing you got over was how hurt you were by him, eventually you mended your own broken heart and picked the pieces of yourself back up and put yourself back together again, this time vowing to yourself that you would never let that happen to you again. The only thing that lingered of Theo's existence in your life was that you missed him. You thought about him and missed him every day but eventually it just turned into thinking about him every so often.

Theo on the other hand, you never left his thoughts. He truly had loved you and cared about you. He completely adored you, loved you even. He hated how things ended with you and he regretted every action he did to ever cause you pain and hurt. He knew that if he ever got out of the hell he was literally and metaphorically trapped in that he would find you and tell you everything you meant to him. He had loved you ever since 4th grade but by the time he realized that his parents were forcing him to move because of his sister's death. He would often wonder what his life with you would have been like if he hadn't done any of the things he had done. Would he have gotten to be your boyfriend sooner if he hadn't killed his sister? Would he have actually been able to stay with you if he had just said no to the Dread Doctors? Would he have had a future with you if he hadn't betrayed you and the McCall pack in the first place? He would often cry himself to sleep when he was even able to sleep, he didn't care if anyone thought he was weak anymore. He had truly lost you. You meant the world to him, he had originally been looking for a pack to call home when he first arrived but when he saw you again he instantly realized that you had become his home whether he had wanted you to in the first place or not. You made him feel like he wasn't a monster. But sitting there wallowing in his pity he realized that he had become one, the second that he had agreed to help the Dread Doctors get Scott McCall and drain him of his powers.

Eventually one day Hell decided that it didn't like Theo being there anymore so it spit him back out into the real world. He wanted to find you desperately but one day he saw you at a cafe with Stiles Stilinski and he realized your life was better without him in it. Little did he know that you happened to look up as he was about to walk away. You two didn't meet face to face once he got back until around a couple months later... You and the rest of the McCall pack were at the Police Station trying to think of a plan to stop the new Hunters from killing off all of the supernatural creatures when you heard two sets of footsteps and two sets of voices, one of them you hadn't heard in a long time. You instantly turned around and met the eyes of Theo Raeken himself. You expected him to have his signature smirk and scan over the entire group like he would always do when he first came back to Beacon Hills but instead his eyes looked directly at you and he momentarily looked like a lost puppy before changing his expression to one of guilt. Then your brother Scott decided to open his mouth and ask him a question, leading the rest of the pack to start drilling him with questions and accusations so fast that he couldn't get a single word in. Deciding to make things easier for the both of you, You walked towards him and grabbed his hand leading him to an empty room in the station. You turned to face him about to ask him how long he had been back for when his eyes started to water and he started apologizing for everything he had done to you over his entire lifespan and how he loved you more than anything and just wanted for you to be happy even if it wasn't with him and he continued to apologize for things you had already forgiven him for until you said the four words that made him stop everything he was saying. "I love you too." You had never been one to say that during your relationship with him, you hadn't even said it to any of your family members since you were twelve. But saying those four words was enough for Theo to stop his ramblings and really listen. You loved him back, he never thought he would ever deserve to hear those words come from your mouth directed at him, he still didn't think he was deserving of you saying that to him but you had said it. Without missing a beat he walked up to you and cupped your face in his hands before kissing you with more passion than he had ever kissed you with before in your life. Eventually you pulled away after you were starting to run out of air. You asked Theo if he would be willing to join your pack as an official member and he grabbed your hand and said as long as you were willing to have him in it. You laughed before kissing the tip of his nose and telling him you ofcourse wanted him in the pack before the both of you headed back to the main room of the station, eventually arriving and telling the rest of your pack that Theo was on your side for good now. Theo knew he would do anything now if it meant that he would never lose you to his foolishness ever again.

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