Stiles Stilinski 2

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Prompt: You get taken by some hunters because you're Scott's sister (human)and after the pack rescues you Stiles confesses his feelings for you.


I woke up in a dark, musty room. I could tell this was some sort of abandoned warehouse because it just had that kind of feel to it. I tried to remember how I would have gotten into this situation when I remember that some hunters had taken me because I was the alpha's sister. It was a little bit stupid of them and I could tell that they were amateur hunters because all they did was use chloroform on me to knock me out and the only thing that was keeping me in the warehouse was the fact that I was tied to a pole with a piece of rope. I mean I guess they were a little smart. Still amateurs though, they didn't even have visible guns on them when they kidnapped me. Aswell from looking around the warehouse I could tell that I was completely alone. I scoffed and tried to untie myself from the rope but it started to burn into my skin.I heard my phone ringing and tried to look for it only to realize that it was completely across the room and I had absolutely no way to reach it, so I decided to just wait and hope that Scott and the pack would be able to find me.

Stiles' POV

Scott and I couldn't find Y/N anywhere. We looked everywhere she could have been and called her phone a million times but absolutely nothing. I asked Lydia numerous times to see if she was still alive and every time she said she couldn't sense that she had died. That helped a little bit but we still couldn't find her. Eventually though Scott was able to track the location that she was in using her cellphone tracker and so Scott, Liam, Lydia, Malia and I went to the location hoping that she would be there.

We got there and immediately noticed there were people guarding the building. Scott said that him, Liam and Malia would distract the guards while Lydia and I would have to try to find a way in so we snuck off to find some sort of entry way. Eventually we came across a window and I used my baseball bat to break the glass. I heard shouts so I immediately jumped into the hole I had just made and pulled Lydia through. Then I looked up and saw Y/N. I ran over to her and started to untie her while Lydia saw her phone and ran over to grab it. I finally untied Y/N and helped her up just as Scott and the others arrived. 


They had FINALLY found me, luckily it didn't take them too long to get me untied when they did finally find me. Stiles helped me up and Lydia walked over to me, handing me my phone and I thanked her. Scott, Liam and Malia walked in and Scott walked up to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded my head before thanking them all for rescuing. After that we all went to leave and Stiles decided he was spending the night at mine and Scott's house. After we dropped everyone else off Scott, Stiles and I walked into the house, Stiles wrapped his arm casually around my shoulders and made a joke about how stupid the kidnappers were. Scott went to his room as Stiles and I sat on the couch. He's been best friends with Scott and I for as long as I could remember and over time I had grown a crush on the boy. It didn't help that he would do things like wrapping his arm around me whenever him and I ended up walking side by side. "Hey uh Y/N?" Stiles spoke up breaking the silence and my train of thought. "Yeah what's up?" I asked curiously. "Would I maybe be able to kiss you?" He asked and surprised me. Instead of replying I just kissed him, which made him kiss me back instantly, the kiss deepened and I straddled Stiles' lap. Before things could progress further Scott's voice made us pull away from each other. "Dude seriously? I mean I get you guys like each other but c'mon, don't do that kind of stuff on the couch, you have a room down the hallway Y/N." "Wait so you're fine with me dating your sister?" Stiles asked surprised. "I mean yeah, I figured if anyone were to date her it'd be the best option to go with you because I trust you with her not to break her heart or anything. I just don't wanna see my best friend and my sister doing it on the couch!" He said. "Well you heard him Stiles, we can do it just not on the couch!" I said before hopping off the couch, grabbing his hand and running to my room laughing. "Wait no! I didn't mean that literally!" Scott said as Stiles and I continued laughing. I could tell this was going to be a good relationship. Maybe even one that would last a lifetime.

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