The worse day ever

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Peters POV
Today couldn't get any worse. This morning I slept in, so I had to skip breakfast if I wanted to make it to school on time (much to pops displeasure) Then during English I left my text book in my locker, so I had to get a pass. And today we had gym, my favorite class. (Note the sarcasm)

I always had to pretend to be weak. Since I have my powers, I could easily do everything, and do it three times faster than everyone! But since I couldn't then, I can't now. That's just the way it has to be. Life isn't always fair.

And, to top it all off, I'm not even allowed to go be Spider-Man! Ever since Hydra has tried to to kidnap me for my powers, dad and pops won't let me go out. Even though they are the avengers, Ironman and Captain America, they still won't let me go out! It's so unfair!

Sometimes I just wish that I was a normal teenager, who's parents aren't superheroes, who isn't a superhero them self, and they don't have an evil organization trying to kidnap you!

But then I realize that I'm being selfish, because Spider-Man saves a lot of people, and looks out for the little guy. So many would be dead if I chose the selfish route. I couldn't handle the blame.

You see, my real parents died when I was young, and I didn't have any other living relatives, so I was sent to and orphanage. The lady was kind of nice, she just had a bad temper. She never hurt me or treating others, she would just yell, but then come back later and apologize. She kinda had a temper like Bruce. Except the green guy, that would be scary.

But anyway, I lived there since I was seven until I was about twelve. Dad and pops were just married, and they wanted to adopt. When they came to my orphanage, they were almost ready to give up, when they found me sitting on my bed, reading about Bruce and all of his research about gamma radiation.

When they saw me, dad walked up to me, and asked me some questions, and some about the book. He told me that I had answers that a typical twelve year old wouldn't say. He was impressed, and pops said that he liked me, and as long as dad was happy, he was happy.

So the next day when they came back, I was told to pack up my stuff, and leave with them. At first, I didn't talk much, but then dad started talking about science, and I'm pretty sure my face lit up like a Christmas tree.

I smiled fondly at the memory, as I walked home from school. Ugh I wish that I could be Spider-Man, but I know better than to disobey dad and pops. That's like saying no to Nick Fury, or worse, Nat. She scared me sometimes.

Wades POV
I was walking home, when I got a call from an unknown number, and I answered. "Hello, who is this?" I ask. "This is Tony Stark. I need your help." He said.

"Why do you need my help? And how do you know who I am?" I asked him. For the most part, I usually fly under the radar. Most people don't notice me.

"I know that you kill for a living, your a mercenary, you kill for money. I am offering you $25,000 a month. And you'll live at the Stark Tower. So, are you willing to help me?" He told me.

I couldn't believe this! $25,000 a month!?! That's more than I've ever earned in a year! Yeah, I don't earn a ton by killing, but it's enough to get by.

"Uh yeah, I'll help, but what exactly am I doing?" I asked. "Well, me and my husband are in, a, uh, dilemma. You see, our son, Peter, has an evil organization, Hydra, after him. And he needs someone to protect him."

"So I'm like a bodyguard for your son?" I asked. I don't protect people, I kill them. Well, I used to

"In a way, yes, you are his bodyguard." He told me, with a duh tone.

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