First day of work

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Sunday night
Peters POV
Ugh tomorrow I have school! Don't get me wrong, school is ok, it's just that I already know what they are teaching me, I hate gym, and the bullies. But hey, I still get to see my friends, so that's a good thing.

Me, dad, pops and Wade had just finished eating, and now we were sitting in the living room, about to start a movie. All of the other Avengers left this morning, much to my displeasure, but they are supposed to be back on Friday, and some of the others are supposed to be here too.

"Hey, do y'all want to watch Now you see me? I heard that it's a great movie." Pops said. Everyone nodded. "Ok then. Friday, play now you see me." Dad told her. "Ok Mr Stark."

A little while later, I saw dad and pops curled up next to each other. Next to me, Wade was about two feet away from me, and for some weird reason, I really wanted to lay next to him.

I got up, and went to the kitchen for some ice cream. "Hey guys, do you want any ice cream?" I called. "Friday, pause the movie." Dad called. The movie paused.

They all got up, and came into the kitchen. "Hey, could you grab me the mint chocolate chip?" Dad asked. "Yep coming right up!" I tossed him his ice cream.

Pops grabbed the chocolate ice cream, while Wade grabbed the cookie dough, and I grabbed cookies and cream, the best ice cream ever. After we scooped it out and put it in our bowls, then went back to the living room.

Dad and pops went back to their original spot, while I sat a little bit closer to Wade than I had earlier. Like I was about two inches away from him. If he noticed, he didn't say anything, just kept on watching the movie.

After a while, my eyes started to get heavy, and I started to drift off to sleep.

Wades POV
After we got the ice cream, we went back to the movie. I noticed that Peter sat a lot closer to me, but I didn't mind. But after a while, he started to lean closer to me, until he had is head on my shoulder, asleep.

I smiled down at him. He was so cute, with his soft brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and adorable face. I can't believe this, but I think that I might have feelings for him. He's just so adorable, and cute. And he's so kind and funny, it's kinda hard not to like him.

Soon the movie was over, and I fell asleep with Peters head on my shoulder, and him snuggled up next to me.

Peters POV
I was woken up by something moving under me. Wait, that can't be right, pillows don't move. I opened my eyes, and saw Wade laying there! What the heck! I didn't want to move, and risk waking him up, so I just laid there, not moving.

I looked over, and saw dad and pops still laying in their original spot, still snuggled up next to each other. I smiled at them. They were so lucky to have found each other. I just wish that I could find my soulmate.

Oh no! I still have school! I looked down at my watch, and saw that it was almost 5am, so I had a while before school. I must have moved, because Wade was starting to wake up.

"H-hey Wade." I said awkwardly. Wade looked around, probably confused about where he was at. Then he noticed that I was practically laying on him, and that he had his head on mine.

He jumped up quickly, as if he had seen a spider or something. He looked scared, like he was reliving an old memory or something.

He looked down at me for a second, then ran off to his room. It made me a little sad, the way he looked at me. It was like he wasn't looking at me, but another person. Like he thought I was someone else, not Peter Parker.

Wades POV
I couldn't do this. Yes I had feelings for Peter, but I just wasn't ready for this. I don't deserve him. I didn't deserve Dean, so why should I deserve Peter?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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