Ned meets Wade

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Neds POV
I left my house, going over to the Stark Tower. Some people look at me weirdly whenever I walk in there, but it would be kinda weird if I saw an average kid just walk right into a millionaires house.

When I walked in, I said a quick hi to Carrie. She's probably my favorite employee here, since she's so nice, and helpful to everyone. Then I went to the elevator and pushed the button 46, when Friday said, "hello mr Leeds, how are you?"

"I'm doing good, how about you?" I asked her. Yes I know she is a robot, but I still want to be polite. "I am doing very well. Thank you for asking. Are you here for Jedi master Peter?" She asked me.

I just about died laughing. Peter probably programmed Friday to call him that, since he loves Star Wars. "Yes Friday, me and Peter are going to build our new millennium falcon LEGO set." I informed her.

"I hope that you and Peter have fun. This is your stop mr Leeds." She told me. I thanked her and said, "could you please call me Obi Wan Kenobi? Since Peter took the name I wanted, this is second best." I told her, as if she was a real human, and not an AI.

"Yes Obi Wan Kenobi." She said, and I swear I could hear a hint of amusement in her voice. I laughed, and stepped out of the elevator, and made my way to Peters room. Whenever I was almost there, and man around 20 steeped out of the guest room.

"Who are you?" He asked me. "Um I'm Ned Leeds, Peters friend." I told him nervously. He nodded, then went back to his room.

I walked into Peters room, and saw that he had his head buried in his computer, so I decided to have a little fun. I snuck up on him, and yelled, "I'm an evil person here to kill you!" And he screamed like a girl.

He jumped up so fast, I would have thought that he was the flash or something. His eyes were wide, but then he calmed down once he saw me. "Ned! Don't scare me like that! I almost punched you in the face!" He yelled, still a little panicky from the scare.

"Sorry dude, you were just so into your computer, I though that it would be funny to scare you." I told him.

All the sudden, the same man from before barged into the room. "Peter, I heard you scream, are you ok!?!" He yelled. "Yes Wade, I'm fine. Ned here thought it would be funny if he scared me." "Hey, it was funny! You screamed like a girl!" I defended. When I said that, Peter started blushing like crazy.

"Ok, so you aren't dying?" Wade, or well, I think that was his name, said. Peter nodded, and said, "nope, all good here. Thanks though."

"Ok, well call me if you need anything, I'm right next to you." And with that, he left. "So was that your bodyguard?" I asked him. He nodded, and blushed. "Yeah my dads wanted him to protect me." He informed me.

Then he filled me in on all that had happened after he got home. "And now I'm sitting here talking to you." He finished. "Wow, that's a lot. So wait, are you not allowed to be Spider-Man anymore?" I asked, hoping that I could be his guy in the chair.

"Yeah, I doubt that dad and pops will let me go out, especially since Hydra is trying to kill me." He must have seen my expression, because he said, "but hey, I might be able to still go out sometimes! And I'll definitely have my guy in the chair!"

I smiled, and said, "thanks Peter. Let's hope that Hydra will stop looking for you, and do something else! I mean, they don't know who you are, right?"

He looked at me for a moment, before saying, "no I don't think that they know who I am. If they did, they probably would have came after me already."

I nodded, and said, "hey your right, you probably would be locked up in a hydra cell if they knew who you were." He smiled. "Yeah, I probably would be."

For the next few hours, we talked, and built the millennium falcon, until Mr Stark called, "Peter, Ned, foods ready!"

"Ok coming dad!" Peter yelled back. We left his room, and walked into the kitchen, where we saw mr Rogers, Mr Stark, and Wade. When we walked in, I saw Peter blush when he saw Wade. Well, add that to the list of things I need to ask him.

We sat down, and Mr Rogers served us chicken and dumpling. This was my favorite thing he made, well besides his pancakes.

Me and Peter dug unto our food, since we hadn't eaten in a while. "Man, this is good, thanks pops!" Peter exclaimed. "Your welcome Peter! This was quite easy to make. Plus, I knew that you boys would have been hungry." Mr Rogers told us.

I noticed that Wade hadn't said anything yet. Probably just nervous because of Mr Stark and Mr Rogers. Or maybe because or Peter...

Peters POV
The food was really good. Pops had out done himself, even though he said that this was easy. If I made this, I probably would have burned the whole tower down.

It was silent for a while, before dad said, "so, Wade, got a girlfriend?" I almost chocked on my food. Is he serious!?! Why would he ask that!?!

"Uh, no I don't." He told us, clearly uncomfortable. "Ok well, got a boyfriend?" Dad asked again. I swear, if looks could kill, dad would be dead.

"Uh, well I did, but we broke up about a month ago." Yep, dad would be dead right now. "Um, I'm going go to my room now. Come on Ned." I say, standing up from the table.

"Uh yeah, coming." Ned told me, while getting up. We walked to my room, and when we got in there, I closed the door, walked over to my pillow, and screamed.

"Uh Peter, what's wrong?" Ned asked me, confused as to why I was screaming in a pillow. "My dad is so obvious! He just asked Wade if he's single! He knows that I like him! Ugh, my dad basically just said, "hey are you single because my son is free!"

Ned tried not to laugh at his rambling. "Peter, it's a good thing that your dad is looking out from you! I mean, you would NEVER ask someone that. Your to much of an introvert."

"Yeah your right, but still! My dad had no rights to his personal business! He just doesn't see the boundary line most of the time!" I exclaimed.

"It's ok, maybe Wade just thought that your dad was being curious?" Ned told me, although it sounded more like a question that a statement. "Yeah let's hope so." I told him, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"Ok, let's finish this ship!" I exclaimed, wanting to finish the millennium falcon. He nodded, then we got to work. About 2 hours later, we finished!!! "Hey if it's alright with you, could I stay the night? It's late, and my mom probably knows that I'm going to stay over anyways." Ned told me.

"Yeah! It's boring here anyway! Plus, I want to watch this show with you, called (put your fav show here)! I heard that it's super cool!" I told him.

"Yes! I want to watch that too! Just let me go call my mom and tell her what I'm doing." "Ok sounds good." And with that, he called his mom. I waited until he got off the phone, and he said, "she said that I could stay!"

"Yay! Ok let me go tell my dads real quick. I'll be right back." And with that I left. I walked into the kitchen, and found dad and pops in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes from earlier.

"Hey Pete, what are you doing?" Pops asked. "Well I was gonna ask of Ned could stay the night?" I asked. "Is his mom ok with this?" Dad asked me. "Yep, Ned just called, and she said yes."

"Ok that's fine, just try to keep it down, because you now have someone living next door." Dad told me. "Ok, love you guys!" I told them both. "Love you too!" They said in unison.

I walked back to my room, and saw Wade standing there. "Uh, hi Wade." I said lamely. I mentally slapped myself. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Well, I just came in here to ask if Ned was staying the night, but I was that you weren't in here, so I asked Ned if he was, and he told me yes, then you walked in." He explained. I nodded.

"Ok um, I'm going to bed, goodnight boys." Wade told us awkwardly. "Uh yeah, goodnight!" I called as he walked out the door.

After that, me and Ned watched Netflix, then finally went to bed at like 2:30 in the morning.

Hey guys, I hope that y'all are well right now! Please stay safe, and stay home! Bye!!! 💜💜

My own bodyguard Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora