Two : Lauren

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I don't get it.

AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, Lauren still don't get it. She really want to cry after Lisa rejecting the pasta Lauren made after she found out that Lauren was the one who made it for her. This morning Lauren was reading the chats between the sisters and when Lisa asked Amy to bring her breakfast, she ran to Amy's room and almost got stumbled by her own feet. "Ames, please say yes." she said to her older sister who looked like she's just woke up. "Lauren, what made you think that I'm going to cook for her? No."

Lauren sighed. "I will cook for her." Amy stared at her younger sister. She understands. Amy always does. "Come here, sit." She told Lauren and the younger girl do what she told. She sat on Amy's bed, Lauren knows where is this going to go. She has this conversation a lot with all of her sisters, except Lisa. "You don't have to do that, Laur." Looking at the green eyes that belongs to Amy, Lauren wants to cry immediately. "I have to, Amy, I have to,"

"If it's one of the ways I could try to make her see me as her sister again, I would do it." Lauren feels her heart hurts. This has been happened for years and Lisa still acting coldly to her. Only her. Even when they were a child, Lisa has been acting mean to Lauren. 

For years she knows that Lisa hated her for some reasons that no one ever talk about or willing to tell Lauren. Almost everyone told her to give it up, but Lauren can't. because somehow, she has a really beautiful memory with Lisa when she was little. She believes that she could fix whatever it is that broke the bond between her and Lisa. "I just want to know why is she like this, Ames. What did I do? please if you know anything about it, tell me. Please."

Amy hugged Lauren who's now sobbing. "I can't, Lauren. You know it. I don't even understand what happened. Ssh now, it's okay." Amy tried to calm her down. And eventually after Lauren stopped crying, Amy decided that she agreed to be on lauren's plan to make Lisa a breakfast. "Thanks, Amy! You're the best!" Lauren said and then happily walking out the door. Amy smiled seeing her younger sister still able to be happy like that even though she knows what Lisa did to Lauren was never nice.

Spending time in the kitchen, Lauren has a thought that maybe she could be a chef or something. She cooked pasta for Lisa but she added some stuff on it and it makes the taste so good, in her opinion. She just hopes that Lisa will likes it too. before Lauren could complimenting her cooking skill any further, Dani comes out of nowhere and suddenly yell something like, "WOOO!" now let's not talking about that because it was just usual Dani being a weirdo. "Goodmorning, LOREEEN!"

Lauren just chuckled. "You sounds so excited, what's up??" Dani smiled like the way she wants something. "Um...because I see pasta in here?"

"No, you are not allowed to touch this. Or even smell it."

Dani whines. "What??? Why? And like why can't I even smell it?"

"Because that's gross!" Lauren said then holding her laughing back. "I will make one for you someday. But not today. So hushh!"

"You're so annoying!" Dani stares at Lauren with this angry look and Lauren noticed it. "Now don't look at me that way!" Lauren said try to cheer the air up. "Whatever rat. I'm going to take a shower. Don't leave me! I'm not in the mood for driving."

Lauren just nod. After a while, everything is ready, except for Danielle Nicole. Lauren and Amy are already in the car, ready to go. The air was filled by the country songs that belongs to Amy. They both enjoyed it and then Lauren broke the silence between them two. "Amy thankyou that you said yes to her, by the way. so I could make this pasta for her!" Lauren said happily while pointing to the lunchbox she placed on her thigh. Lauren proud of it so much and literally hugging it couple times already. "OH! And don't tell her that I made this." Before Amy could reply anything, Dani get into the car in such a noisy way, again, we don't and can't complain.

"LET'S GOO AMIGOS!" she yelled excitedly, leaving Lauren and Amy both rolls their eyes. The trip was just like usual, dani being herself, changing the music genre and sing along to pop music, which thank god that Amy and Lauren both also know the words. They arrived safely at the older girls' house.

"Wait I forgot something," Lauren said, "You guys go inside first, I need to do something." Without thinking any longer, Dani and Amy do what Lauren said. Lauren took the time to just actually couraging herself for whatever that might happen today. She did this everytime she's about to meet her older sister, Lisa. It was always ended up with Lauren got a horrible bad mood, sometimes it ended up Lauren crying, and the other times ended up with Lauren having a really bad mental breakdown. Because all the things that Lisa did to her was literally her most feared reactions that she gets from people. So technically, being up in front of Lisa is just the same as she face-to-face with her fears or her worst anxieties. And Lauren needs to prepare for it to happen.

After she's ready, she gets herself out of the car and walked inside the house which she heard a lot of people talking at once as soon as she tread the floor. And Lauren feels so incredibly happy when she saw Lisa eat the pasta she made with so much passion and she does seems she liked it a lot. It's either between she's starving and she liked the pasta but it doesn't matter now because what does really matter was; Lisa eats the pasta that Lauren made.

Before she could feel any happier again, Dani interrupted Lisa. "....Lauren not allows me when she made that." Lauren was shocked but then got even more shocked when lisa started to choke. Quickly she grabbed the glass with water in it of course, to Lisa. And after that; nothing.

Lisa told Chris to start the meeting. Lauren took her sit and then just staring at the pasta which almost the half of it already got eaten. Feeling it couldn't be more painful, Lisa added the pain to Lauren's list today. , "....I don't really want it anymore."

It broke Lauren's heart even more. But like usual, Lisa seems like she doesn't care about anything related to Lauren. Lisa listened to Christina without even caring that she just hurt Lauren. Lauren was holding back her tears as the meeting goes on. Lauren keeps staring at Lisa until her phone vibrated.

Dani: I'm so sorry sugar

Lauren smiled and wipe her tears that accidentally comes out of her eyes. She replied to Dani.

Lauren: It's okay. It will happen whether you did it or not, Dan.

Lauren: I'm okay.

Lauren seems so sure while sending the text, while her inside soul whispered that loud enough for Lauren to hear.

"Are you though?" 

ANOTHER UPDATE in less than 5 hours dsdsldia this is proof of how much im excited working on this! and forgive pls this second chapter is a bit boring because i just want to let you know how was Lauren feelings about the situation.

also i take this as lauren's point of view that will giving you the picture about what's coming in the future. hopefully i delivered the emotions and my intention about lauren's reactions/personality in here so well that you guys understands/feel relatable. 

okay i think that's all for today. and thank you so much for you people commenting the chapter one omg im so happy that you guys existed not gonna lie!

kkkk i love uuu thank uuuuu<3

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