Eighteen: The Final Truth Pt. 3

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HOLDING HER HEAD, LISA CLOSED her eyes, trying to absorbing everything Mike and Lynne said. The thought of ending her own life suddenly just gone, replaced by the curiousness about her whole life way before she turned to hate Lauren. Lisa's inner self kept screaming because she felt so frustration listening to everything. There's a battle inside her head. A part of her kept telling her that all the things Lynne said was not true. But another part of her knew this all could be true because Lisa has been knew that her family hide something from her.

Lisa cursed herself because after trying, she couldn't get anything to her head. There's only Alison's face, and little Lauren's. nothing else. It was a memory that keeps on replaying inside her mind. There's nothing different from it.

"Why can't I remember?" Lisa growled while grasped her head, frustrated. Lauren next to her feels so worried, but she know if she tries to touch Lisa, it would make things worse. Lynne got up and sat on the couch arm, hugging Lisa, so her head is right on Lynne's chest. "Don't try." She whispered.

The room was so quiet, all eyes are on Lisa and Lynne. "I want to." Lisa cried, still holding her head. She closed her eyes tightly, still forcing her brain to remember the past while ignoring the mental battle inside of her at the same time. Lisa hates multitasking, but she can't complain now. "I want to know what happened."

"Why can't I remember it, mom?" she asked, desperately. Her voice cracked and it just enough to break everyone's heart in the room. Christina is crying in silent, cursing herself because right now it feels wrong to bring Lisa here. Kath rubbing Amy's back, while they both are crying. Dani saw Lauren bit her lip to hold her tears. She knows it. Dani moved closer and hold Lauren's hand, which she could finally feel how shaking Lauren is.

"You blocked the memories, Lisa." Lynne took a deep breath, trying to control her breath between her sobs. "It was a traumatic experience for you. For all of us. You have had died once, Lisa. Right after you came back alive, your brain doesn't function like it used to before. You thought Alison was real more than anything. You even started to hurt anyone who dared to say that Alison wasn't real. You scratched Katherine's arm once when she was trying to tell you, do you remember?"

Lisa caught a glimpse of when she did that. It's true. She hurted Kath. Meanwhile Katherine reached her hand to feel the scar. It was still there. "You started to out of control and started to hurt your siblings. Lisa, you went back into your old self, lock yourself up, feeling depressed more than ever. Right after you came back alive, your brain protected you from the real truth about the past. You woke up in the hospital knowing only you just passed out and Alison was dead. You have no idea that it was you,"

Lynne take a deep breath again. She feels her heart feels like got stabbed everytime she thinks about it. everytime she wanted to say the word, the memory came back to her, and she doesn't like it. But now, she has to. She has to have the courage. "...it was you, who was dead."

"You always told me that you saw Alison's body on the river the day she died," Lisa started to calm down, but still trying to remember the events. Now is her mom talking about her daily nightmare. She remembers it all too well. Lisa even know the exact time when things going to happen. She's been having the nightmare since she was little. After....she came back alive. Or in her mind, she still has a faith that it was Alison who was dead. "It was actually your body. Karla saved you that day and we brought you to the hospital right away."

"It was the memory that your brain failed to blocked. It keeps haunting you until now because you are still not ready to get the hidden memories back, Lisa."

"Why now?" Lisa asked with a low voice. "Why is it has to be now you tell me this whole thing?!" she lifted her head up and stare into Lynne's eyes. Their both brown eyes wet because of the tears. "Why do you have to wait this long to tell me all of this?!"

"Lisa-" Mike was cutted off by his furious daughter. "You too, Dad!"

"And you, Christina, Katherine!"

Lisa stood up and staring into her family members one by one except Lauren that still shaking in Dani's arm. "Why do you have to wait this long to tell me this?! All of you has letting me live in hell all alone for years. I kept torturing myself for only god knows how long. You knew things but why did you have to wait this long to tell me? this is all about my life. My life, mom, dad. Not yours. Not the others. But mine!"

Lynne looks taken back hearing what Lisa said. Her heart is hurt more than ever. Mike wiped away his tears and then stood up to face Lisa right in the eyes. "What are we supposed to do, Lisa?!" his voice gone echoing, filling every spot in the living room.

"Do you think I want to see my daughter dies again? Do you think your mom could handle it if we lose you again? Do you think our family would ever be the same if you're gone again?! We love you so much, and it was a miracle that you're back here with us. I don't want to take the risk of losing you again, Lisa."

Lisa paid attention a lot to how his dad's voice gone cracking in the middle of the sentences he said. There was a burning feeling inside her body, mostly inside her heart. "But you letting me live in hell all this time, dad." She whispered.

"Why?" Lisa asked again. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST LET ME DIE AGAIN. IT ALL WILL BE EASIER FOR ME AND ALL OF YOU!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. All eyes in the room look at her, disbelief.

Mike and Lynne was lost at words, but when Lisa was about to yell again, the brown eyed girl on Dani's arm stood up.

Lauren clenched her fist. "LISA, STOP IT." she yelled. Lisa looked at her instantly. Lauren looks so messed up. She has tears all over her face. Her brown eyes shows the world how hurt this is all for her. It's the same thing that Lisa always saw on her own eyes everytime she looked at herself in the mirror. 

"Please, Moose." Lauren whispered with tears still streaming down her face. Lisa felt her heart dropped when she heard that nickname. The nickname Lauren used to use to call her when they were little.

As soon as she heard it, Lisa feels like her brain got shocked as a lot of clip started to flashing inside her mind. it's all blinding and definitely painful. All Lisa saw was her family shocked face before she blacked out, with memories still playing fastly inside her brain.

Is this the end of Lisa?

hiii fellassss <3 im soo sorry to make yall wait this long lol. i had a lot of things going on in life. and i kinda had the writer blocks moments. there are still a few chapters left sooo pls stay tune!! 

and thanks a lot for you who still waiting for this work even to i know im so annoying. and THANKS SO MUCH again for liking it. for liking REUNITED. book one and two. i love u guys so much. you literally the reason why i still keep up writing in this app! so grateful for ur existence omggg

that's all i think. 

i will try to write asap, because next week the college will start again. means i will have classes and stuff. so i expected this story could finish at the end of this week. shortly THIS WEEKEND LOL why do i making it sounds complicated djskjdskd btw yea that's all now. i love u guys pls stay healthy and happy

love, dan <333333333333333

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