Prepare...Don't Deny it.

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Taecyeons POV.

He stood there stunned against the door, eyes dark, and lips bruised from the kiss I'd practically forced on him. Fire licked at every inch of me half-desire and half- anger. Just thinking about the phone call made me want to punch a hole through the wall, and all the while I'm going up in smoke he's staring at me with those ' How can I make it better eyes.' 

 Then something caught my eye at the edge of his shirt, the hoodie he'd worn out of the hospital long ago discarded into the backseat of the car, and at the edge of his stretched t-shirt bruises stretched around the base of his neck.

The fight left me, and with it the anger. Slumping in exhaustion I pushed my head into his neck gently.

" You're gonna kill me Khun, God you're gonna be the death of me," I shuddered into him and felt his arms stroke my back.

I desperately wanted to pull him into me, but I remembered the doctors caution besides I'd already overstepped boundaries with the kiss. One of the scariest nights of my life, and it had begun with a phone call.


Taecyeon sprawled on his bed with an evil grin, as he tossed his phone on the keyboard next to his bed. A big smile crept across his face as he thought of Nichkhun, his best friend. The afternoon seemed like years away with all the things that had developed since then, and his eye opening realization of how he truly felt about Nichkhun. 

 His friend, his fellow member, his lover... the last thought made his heart beat a bit faster. He had never been one to hate gays, but at the same time it never occurred to him that he could fall for another man. Asian standards of skinship with other guys was vastly different with the standards he'd been accustomed to, when he'd lived in the U.S.

Touching, hugging, sleeping together, and so much more was normal and natural in Korea. After living in S. Korea for more than 5 years he'd more than adapted, and included certain normalities into his life. The first time he'd been jealous of people interrupting his time with Nichkhun it was easy to write off, but as the situations had continued he had ignored his weird responses.

His mind wandered to the first time he should have really been honest with how his feelings for his best friend were changing, when NichKhun was cast for We Got Married. Every scene, kiss, touch, special planned moment was like torture. He'd lied to himself saying he wasn't watching because he was jealous of Nichkhun landing a pretty girl for a fake wife, but really he was jealous of Victoria.

Before his thoughts could take another turn he heard a phone go off in the dorms, and rolled of the bed to go in search of it. 'Maybe Nichkhun was finally home,' he thought in anticipation.

Sneaking behind the manager who was whispering into the phone, but before he hung up Taecyeon managed to hear the last bit.

"Do you want me to tell the members? Taecyeon?"

" No. "

Right then the manager turned, and jumped startled to find Taecyeon behind.

"Taecyeon..." the man smiled at him weakly.

" Now what doesn't Khun want you to tell me," he said darkly pulling himself up to full height to tower over the other man.

A few minutes later he was in his car driving to the hospital, and trying not to panic.

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