Slow down... to speed up

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Taecyeon gave Nickhun a small squeeze, and then stepped back and guided the other boy to the bedroom. His hand pressed to the small of his back he ushered him through the door, and made him sit down on the bed. The entire night suddenly seemed to hit him full force, and he deflated right before Taecyeon's eyes. Tamping down the panic he gently grasped Nickhun's chin, and tilted his face upwards. His eyes were starting to glaze over with exhaustion, and Taecyeon knew he only had so long to get him taken care of before he got his needed rest.

Brushing a quick kiss over soft lips he bent to grab the edges of Nickhun's shirt, and slowly pull it off the lithe body of the man sitting on his bed. The soft flames of desire were doused when he surveyed the dark bruises that marred the smooth skin, and he suddenly remembered the medication from the doctor. In the next 15 minutes he had gotten Nick to take his meds, and gotten the sexy man tucked into his bed. 

Leaving the door open to the bedroom so he could still see inside; he made his way to the living room and picked up the phone. He called all the members and let them know what was going on, and then 2-wayed Jinyoung hyung and their manager. He didn't have a schedule for the next couple of days, so they agreed it would be best to have him stay at Taecyeon's apartment.

Leaning against the door he looked in on the sleeping Nickhun, and couldn't help the swell of love. It had only been hours since that first kiss, and now he couldn't deny what must have been there all along. He was completely and irrevocably in love with Nickhun, and there wasn't a thing he wouldn't do to keep him with him. He smiled in amusement, and realized his best friend had him completely wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know it.

Pushing off from the doorway his got out of his clothes until he was down to his boxers, and slipped in gently next to the sleeping man and cautiously cradled him in his arms. Soon exhaustion took over, and sleep dragged him under.

The bright sun filtered through the uncovered window, and Nickhun awoke on a gasp of pain. His bruises that had been a dull numb sort of pain the night before now screamed in agony, so much so that he almost didn't notice the arm slung over his shoulders. He tried to turn a bit, but stopped when the pain from his ribs stole his breath. Slowly as he breathed through the pain he began to survey his surroundings, and then he remembered where he was. It became easily evident that the hand on his shoulder belonged to a sleeping Taecyeon.

"Taec?.." he spoke out loud to try and wake up the sleeping man behind him. A sleepy sigh answered back followed by him pressing his whole body against Nickhun, before he settled back down into sleep. Nickhun stilled as he felt every delicious inch of Taecyeon pushed against him, and he suddenly became aware of just how naked he was. He and Taecyeon were relatively the same height, and so as his best friend plastered his body against him he could feel every inch of the hot length of Taec against him.

"Mmmm," Taecyeon sleepily hummed against the back of nickhuns neck, and gave it an innocent kiss as his not so innocent bottom half rubbed itself against his ass. The only barrier between the two of them was the thin boxer briefs that Taecyeon had opted to not remove the night before. The top band of the underwear inched down as he unconsciously rubbed himself harder against Nickhun. The tip of his hot and swollen cock emerged from his underwear, and the wet tip rubbed the cleft of Nickhuns butt.

Nickhun on the other hand tried hard not to moan as taecyeon rubbed hard against his bare ass. Despite the pain still coursing through him he found himself hot and wanting, and when the head of Taecyeons cock rubbed a line of precum against his ass he couldn't hold his voice anymore.

"Please?.." his voice breathless with pleasure he put all his need and desperation into that please, and felt as Taecyeon went rigid and hot cum flooded the small crack of his ass and dripped down into the seam of his two cheeks. Taecyeons lips kissed down the pulse of his neck, and two things happened at once. He bit down on the side of Nickhun's neck, and reached a hand to the front and wrapped it around his thick swollen cock. One jerk was all it took before cum poured from his cock, and he felt his body jerk like a marionette being controlled by strings.

"Kiss me!... fuck...kiss me!" Nickhun begged as lights exploded behind his closed eyelids, and he felt soft lips slant over his as the orgasm cooled down. Soon there was nothing to be heard in the silence, but their ragged breathing. Slowly rolling on his back Nickhun came face to face with a sated Taec, and felt his heart thump hard in his chest. He knew in seconds what he had always known...he was fucked. He was so in love with Taec there were no words, and as he stared into the others eyes he knew without a doubt that he knew it too.

Breathing hard Taecyeon rolled on his side and tried to re-learn how to breathe. His heart galloped again as he remembered waking up to Nickhun's 'please', his cock hard and trailing precum up and down his ass; every synapse exploded and all he could do is cum and hard at that. 

In that second he couldn't remember his name, but on pure instinct he bit into Nickhun's neck and dragged him over the edge with him. His cock was still jumping as he felt Nick roll on his back, and turned to look at him only to lock eyes. He could see it in every inch of his face; they were it for each other, and there would likely be no one else.... ever.

His heart went from a run to a full on gallop as he tried to process the overwhelming feelings. Here lay the gift of his life covered in dark bruises, and he looked at him with his offered heart in his eyes...'it's too much' he thought, and without any warning he broke their gaze and buried his head into the pillow... tears flowing into the cotton.

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