Cockroach who bites

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"Hello! Pushkar sir, your brother and his wife never came to the place. We had arranged so much for them but they never came. "

"What the hell are you saying, bhaiya and Sumo were not home either. Where did they go now?"

"What to do now, sir?"

"You take away the arrangement I've already paid for it."

Preeti comes to him asking what got him so worried.

"Preeti not just our plan failed but I also don't know where these two have gone."

"Are you serious? They never reached the honeymoon setup of jungle we made for them. But then where would they go? Ramu kaka told me Suman di didn't came back after breakfast when she left for PCT and Shravan jeeju came at lunch time but went back without actually having anything."

"I should check at PCT first."

Preeti, Pushkar and Ramnath were busy trying to find the two when Pushkar received a phone call which relieved them.

Shravan and Sumo were sleeping when the crow sitting on the roof of car woke them up. It was a bit awkward waking up all wrapped in each other's arms but the smile that came with the realization of closeness did the magic. Something possibly came over Shravan that before releasing her from his grip, he pecked her forehead. She was blushing as she unwrapped her hands from him.

They began a walk towards outside the woods in search of network. Just as they found it, he called Pushkar.


"Hello! Bhaiya? Where are you? And is Sumo with you? we can't find her. And...."

"Pushkar breath. Sumo is with me. We came for your party in the woods but before we could reach you guys we got stuck here. Our car is punctured too. Get some help."

"Send me your location. I'll send a mechanic there."


Shravan and Suman sat near the road under a tree waiting for the help.


"We're back"
"We're back"
Two voices shouted at peak as they entered the Malhotra Mansion. Pushkar knew this voice since he had witnessed this happening too many times in childhood.

"Oh my God! Ramu kaka go fast in kitchen prepare lots of food fast."

"What happened Pushkar?"

"Sir, they are coming and they are hungry." He shouted and ran to kitchen with Ramu kaka.

Kamini, Lalaji and Vandy also came to see the commotion only to witness a very messy Shravan and Suman sitting on the floor of living room asking for food. Pushkar was trying to explain them that it was getting prepared but they heard nothing.

"I'm too hungry to listen to you, Pushkar."

"Bhaiya, food is..."

"Food Pushkie. Give naa pls."

"God these too."

"Shravan what had happened to you?"

"I'm hungry Papa."

"Pushkar what is going on?"

"Oh Mumma! All my fault I've should have seen this happening. Since childhood have been witnessing this. These two come home hungry and make the whole house dancing around them."

"Sir!" Ramu kaka came with a big bowl of Maggi and few forks just as Pushkar told. Shravan ran to him took the tray.

"Maggi!" Sumo let out a shriek as she also took a fork.

Beetle Who Bites - A Shraman StoryWhere stories live. Discover now