Bee eats Sugar

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Its been a few days since they came back from the jungle. Shravan was too affectionate Sumo thought while Shravan was just trying to live as much as he could with her in these few lovely moments they got. What if the destiny brings them back to square one any day.

Today was Anjali's anniversary party and as usual Sumo was in charge of food  but not because she wanted or she was asked to, but because of Shravan. And right now she was angry.

"Shravan!" She said angrily.

"What?" He asked scared.

"Why the hell did she plan a barbecue party for her anniversary? " she was saying this for third time and he was yet to answer her.

"How would I know, Sumo? And you know Anjali is always crazy about crazy parties." He finally answered unaware there were more questions.

" Yeah! But why do I have to prepare the food then? " she was angry. He was like a rabbit in front of her.

"Umm because I volunteered and you are helping me." He murmured. And she shouted.

"Exactly I'm supposed to help only not do the whole thing."

"Sumo, but you love cooking and its our friend's anniversary " he couldn't finish his sentence as she did it for him.

" with her boyfriend of six months. " she said glaring at Anjali who was at the other side of garden romancing with her boyfriend.

"Why are you so angry? " Is she like jealous? Does she like that guy? No way I'm more handsome than him.

"Because of these bloody bees who are not leaving me alone. Coming on my face all the time." She said fending hands at the bees.

"Oh that. I can help you with that though." He breathed a sigh then smiled mischievously. He finally found the reason he was looking for since morning when she came out of room in her casual blue kurti and pink leggings.

"How?" She looked at him in sideview still dealing with bees.

"Simple. Logic, Sumo. Bees eat Sugar and Sugar is on your face so bees are trying to eat that but if I eat Sugar before them then they will have to leave you to find Sugar somewhere else." He explained and went near her.

"What? I don't understand anything. There is no sugar on face." She turned around to see him in front of her and told him so.

"Let me show you." Saying so he held her waist and dragged her to him such that she fell in his chest. He lifted her chin and went close to her face. She was mesmerized by his closeness that she could not think straight when he said,

"Here's Sugar" and sucked her upper lips.

"Shravan!" He could not decipher if that was a moan or a way to stop him.

"There's more Sugar." He pecked her cheeks one by oneone and gave small kisses all over her face.

"Shravan! Stop!" She said and laughed when he tickled her.

"Why?" And he pecked her lips again.

"Barbeque" she tried saying as he kept tickling her.

"Huh! Okay fine."

And they again got busy with the preparations of barbeque. And surprisingly there were no more bees around. She looked at him with love in her eyes but mixed with fear. He was being too affectionate with her since their night in jungle but she was scared what if everything ended as if a dream. She said,

"When I asked you to give me reason for kissing me every time I never thought you would get them so frequently."

"As if you don't agree with my reasoning see there ain't anymore bees."

"Don't you think you should give some credit to the repellent you sprayed."

"Shit! You saw?"

"I did." Saying so she pecked his cheek and went back to the barbeque so quickly. He looked at her surprised, loved and cared.

"And what was that for?" He asked taking her in a back hug.

"Unlike you, I'm not obliged to tell you reasons." She said pinching his nose.

"Right, I'm not gonna wash my cheek till I get a new one."

"Hahahahahah!" And he was mesmerized again. He could not believe the love, moments, happiness and Sumo he had been craving for so long was given to him by a Beetle in the jungle.

How's the surprise?

Beetle Who Bites - A Shraman StoryWhere stories live. Discover now