10: Mates

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'you will meet him on the night of full moon'

Mew was sweating as he woke up from a very long bad dream, panting and catching his breath, he felt like he was drowning on his sleep.

When he finally stood up from his bed to change his clothes, the door to his room flew open revealing his cousin, Bright. "So you're going to school? Can i go with you? I badly want to know that warlock, he's cute" Bright shamelessly exclaims, the other was known to hit both males and females, any kinds of them—You see, Bright doesn't give a damn about the rules, he could careless about losing the throne.

"Give me a break, Win is cute but if you're just going to treat him like any other kinds you've been with, Drop it. Win is too precious for that" Mew says to which bright laughed because he surely won't treat the warlock like any other kinds, that warlock made him fall in love effortlessly.

"You really do take me for someone like a joke. I won't hurt your friend, I am genuinely and seriously interested." Bright answers quietly because its all new to him, he's been in their world for like what? days? and yet he claims he wants the warlock all to himself? hell yes.
Mew was trying his best to read the other's face and no foolishness was found, the prince was dead serious.

"You know what, you should get yourself some love. You're way so older than me how come you haven't even tasted the blood of pleasure?" Bright asks him to which Mew responded "I have, Win is actually my first time but his blood tastes horrible and he wasn't good either"

"I did not just heard you from my slumber back stabbing me like the little shit that you are Suppasit!" The warlock who happens to appear out of nowhere exclaims, still wearing his silky maroon night gown that falls perfectly on his mid thighs, showing just the right amount of figure before proceeding to approach the vampire prince.

"Good Morning my prince" The warlock greets, hands on the biceps of the said vampire "And good morning to you too darling. Isn't a little inappropriate to eavesdrop on our conversation?" Bright says gaze not leaving on Win's fierce eyes "Oh trust me, i wouldn't want to if it weren't for the oath" he says honestly

"Ew stop flirting its so early in the day also why are you even wearing silk to sleep?" Mew asks confused

"Because i was feeling sexy" Wins gaze averted from bright to Mew and back on to the prince when he slowly speaks "and i was feeling a little frustrated all by myself" the warlock winks at the prince, a cue for the vampire that the other has given himself.

"God, please get a room"

"We will cousin, for now you may leave"

Mew can't fucking believe his cousin and best friend are probably fucking each other right now as he trains, sweats runs down on his six pack abs and hard chest, he stops for a while when he remembers the books he was supposed to borrow from the library.

He made his way to the school, there are few supernaturals doing their own businesses. Its a weekend and the school is always open, they don't have regular classes every single day unless needed, Mew enters the library "Good day Miss, Im here to get the following books on this note"

"One moment please"

As he patiently waits for his books, he felt someone nudge him upon lifting his face he was met by the same alpha the other day "H-hey.. what are you doing here?" The alpha speaks to him 'did the alpha just stutter?' he thinks to himself and that reminds him

"What? Are you talking to me?"


"I mean why are you talking to me? we're not friends??"

"Of course we are not friends"

"So why are you talking to me?"

"Are Vampires supposed to be this fucking dumb?"

"Are wolves supposed to be this fucking annoying?"

They hissed at each other when Gulf felt his wolf hurt and unstable until.. "Mate!" his wolf screams and Gulf would be horrified but no, as much as he hates the other, he has to admit, he already knows for awhile now that the vampire is his mate. It was all unexplainable, unexpected and the only reason why he acted he dislikes the other is to reject his wolfs' needs and his own self.

Mew got his books and when he turned on his heel to leave the wolf held him by his arms but it was not to harm him, if anything he felt peace?

"Can we talk?"

They sat at the very last table at the back where the library part is usually empty. Gulf sighed as he recollects all of the pieces he puzzled for him to draw his conclusions that Mew, the vampire was his mate.

It all started when he began seeing those luna dreams, one day at the soccer field he saw the vampire talking to a very beautiful fairy, he thought he envied the two as they can freely be themselves but not until he saw the vampire again with a royal warlock who's really attractive and he won't stand a chance if he tries, that thought alone made him question himself because why in the world would he try to compete? let alone for someone who he can never have? He has to admit, he's been crushing on the vampire since the first year and whenever they would cross paths he would just be a jock ass leaving hurtful remarks but he likes how the vampire can dominate him.

It was all weird he is an Alpha for Pete's  sakes, he is supposed to be the dominant one but somehow being put up on his place by the vampire makes his wolf quiet and calm. The vampire drives him crazy so he decided its about time he stops his stupidity and when he got over it for like months, he soon developed this strong feeling that draws him closer and closer to the other, They began to clash and somehow they just hate each other's guts but that's not the case for Gulf.

He bumped into the vampire the other time and his wolf screamed "Mate!" and when it did his eyes switch back to its original color, giving half of his own eyes to his mate so others would know he is mated already. It was quite tricky but he did it without the other noticing it, its a part of mating process and since he can't face it yet he has to do it in a way no one would ever know—he remembers calling the other 'vampy' and laughs at the memory.

"So you are telling me you're my mate? Im your mate?" Mew asks confusingly because what the fuck? aren't they supposed to not like each other?

But what can he do when he's been wanting the younger above, below, sideways and even bend over but god the times he imagined the younger on his knees?

How he would taste like?

Hell, he would willingly break the laws for that but how is he supposed to believe all that?

"How sure you are that we're mates?" The vampire asks still confused

"Tonight is a full moon, meet me on the woods, here's the address" Gulf says handing over a piece of paper

"And oh, wear this" The alpha removes his navy blue hoodie giving it to the vampire


"So you would have my scent and we will not be distracted later, if anyone finds out a vampire is on the woods, you're a dead meat"

"You really talk a lot don't you?"

"And you vampires talk less"

AN:// they're mates boom! 💥💥😋⚡️ are they having sex? who knows 👁👄👁 do they bite each other? idk 👀 will they kill each other? i know? 😔🤡

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