19: Bittersweet

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As things were roughly messed up ever since Win left with Bright. Mew has been stocked with either Kaownah or all alone by himself. However, he decided its best to wander around and just run until he feels like its enough.

On the other hand, Gulf has a lot on his plate specially since he is now the pack leader and being confused with everything going on is not helping him at all. Going out at night, he went on for a run in the woods until he saw a familiar figure and very familiar scent from a particular someone being of no other than Mew Suppasit. His wolf weakened as it was been ignored by the other for so long and now he sees him in the woods, alone. Gulf debates whether he should talk or just run away from him since he is much of a coward and that's what he does best.

"Hey" Mew says hesitant

"H-hey" Gulf greets back

"I.. im sorry" Mew said softly as he was been harsh to the other and he saw how it broke the Alpha. Gulf stares at Mew waiting for a somewhat continuation to his speech but instead the vampire remains silent. Hissing as Gulf walks closer to him, Mew was hearing his heart beat every seconds and as Mew backs off he hit his head on a tree but that didn't matter as of the moment—Gulf seems to know what he was doing but has no plans in stopping, He went closer and closer until there's no space in between them. "Stop." Mew pushed him lightly, fangs showing as his eyes glows in bright red maroon color.

Maybe it was their stupidity or maybe its just the longing and love.

"What? You're not going to bite me? Not even a taste? I saw you in every corner fucking around with different kinds but i did not say anything" Gulf says, brows furrowed as he felt the need to let out his emotions and his wolf was getting the best of him and he is on full Alpha mode.

"I am not biting you." Mew hisses as he heard Gulf's heartbeat pumping blood all through out his body, It didn't help at all when the Alpha held on tightly to his biceps "You see, We may have decided to part but i cannot help myself to be possessive of you" Its funny how Gulf comes back to him like this after being brave and dumping his ass like he meant nothing.

They're mature enough to realize how much of a stupid they have been for the past days of all the ignoring stage and break up or whatever it was. Mew break free from Gulf's grip "I know i was an ass but i can't think of anything to make you look at me or pay attention to me. It was as if i didn't matter unless i do something impulsive that can trigger you but unfortunately for me, you can really control your anger huh?"

"No i did not control my anger very well. My room is destroyed after fighting with myself and i have been swimming in tons of works to forget thinking about you but none of it help. And i certainly did not thought i'd see you here alone"

"So, what's next?"

"What do you mean what's next?"

"Are you seriously telling me we're not going to fix our problem?"

"No, we are not doing anything about it."

"I guess i fell in the trap of hope again"

Gulf did not say anything back to Mew but it actually broke his heart how he is just being so coward and an asshole at the same time. He ignored Mew for what felt like months and did not budge to talk to him at all not even after knowing Mew was broken and ill because of him.

As Mew turn on his heel, preparing to leave the woods he felt like the world was on a fight against him and his happiness. It felt familiar, the pain, he meant, it was all too familiar and he feels like he have been on a fight before for the same reason but its just different now. But what he does next was beyond his control and he just can't hold any longer, running back to Gulf as soon as he can, he grabbed the other by the waist and lift his face using his other hand to smashed his lips against the other.

Surprisingly, The wolf did not protest and kissed him back. They were in that position and time felt slow, with the fireflies around witnessing their flammable love for each other.

"Forgive me but i can't do it anymore" Mew says as he detached his lips to catch his breath "And im so sorry for acting foolish" Gulf then cuff his face and proceeded to explore his mouth with his tongue—As they both got lost in the moment, someone got lost by the woods and have witnessed their little moment.

Mew not wasting any time suggests that they should take their business back at his place and Gulf complies to his requests.

AN:// 5mUt next chapter 🙈 hskshsjjsjs
this was awful i know but be patient 🙊

War Between Us: Mates // MewGulfWhere stories live. Discover now