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Caroline was now moving into her new apartment. She was very excited because this would be the first time she would be living alone, because after living with her mom, she shared a dorm room with a friend from college and now she finally had her own place.

She was carrying another box to her apartment but it was heavy and she suddenly felt like she was about to lose balance and before she knew it she was falling, closing her eyes waiting for the impact when that never happened, making her open her eyes and see a very handsome man holding her.

"Hey! Thank you for catching me." Caroline said with a smile.

"Hello, love!" He said, making her blush slightly. "I'm Klaus and this is Kol."

"Hi!" Caroline said to Kol.

"Hi!" Kol said to Caroline.

"Do you guys live here?" Caroline asked.

"Yes. Actually we live together right down the hall." Klaus said.

"Awww! That's nice." Caroline said, thinking to herself that she knew he was way to good and it was no wonder that the guy she felt attracted to was gay since she never had luck with love.

"What? No! We are brothers!" Kol said.

"Oh! Well, I guess I'm your new neighbor, Caroline." Caroline smiled.

"It's really nice to meet you, Caroline." Klaus said with a smirk and took her hand to plant a kiss on her hand, making her blush.

"Nik, the food is getting cold! She lives right next to us, you'll have plenty of time to flirt with her." Kol said, making Klaus give him a death glare.

"Love, I can't help but notice that you have your things still all in boxes. What do you say about joining us for lunch?" Klaus said.

"Aw! Thank you but no. I don't want to be a bother."

"It's no bother at all. We have plenty." Klaus said.

"Do we? I thought we only had for two?" Kol asked.

"We do. We can do family style." Klaus said.

"Thank you." Caroline said and out the box that had fallen to the floor back to her place then closed the apartment door. "Can I ask you a big favor?"

"Of course." Klaus said right away, making Kol roll his eyes and open the door of their apartment.

"Can I take a shower in your bathroom? I still everything in boxes and all the moving made me feel in big need of a shower." Caroline said.

"Of course. Help yourself. Make yourself at home." Klaus said.

"But don't use my shampoo and air conditioner." Kol said making Klaus give his younger brother a death glare.

"Of course. Klaus, can I use yours?" Caroline asked.

"Of course, Love. Let me just get you a towel." Klaus said.

"Thank you." Caroline said.

After Caroline took her shower, she called out Klaus, making him go to the bathroom door and knock on the door.

"Love, did you call me?"

"Yeah! Can you get in here?"

"S-sure." Klaus said trying to act cool.

"Can I ask you another big favor? It's okay if you say no. This is not something that a girl asks a guy who she just met." Caroline said from the other side of the curtain.

"Ohhh, I'll probably say yes." Klaus said imagining Caroline's body and how good it would be to kiss her.

He didn't know why but the moment he laid eyes on her, he felt drawn to her.

"Seriously? So you let me borrow one of your shirts?" Caroline asked.

"Oh... Yes." Klaus said.

After Caroline took Klaus's t-shirt, which was covering her until slightly up her tights and having lunch with them, she left to go back to finish unpacking.

"You really look like a lost puppy around her." Kol said to Klaus.

"Our babies will be beautiful and artistic." Klaus said.

"Not to mention, imaginary." Kol said.

Based on the pilot of TBBT

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