My Missing Piece

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Finn and Rachel have a lot of issues to work trough. As much both of them try hard to ignore it, they'll have to talk about it when they end up alone in the top of a broken ferris wheel.

"Please remind me how the hell we ended up here alone?" I asked looking down and my eyes widened.

Too high for my liking.

"Kurt, Quinn and Santana." Finn said and I groaned.

"I don't know if you know it, but I hate heights. That's like the thing I fear the most! Santana said she had a surprise for me, this is literally the worst surprise of my life!" I said still looking down and my eyes are literally getting watery.

"I know you hate heights, I was your boyfriend once, remember?" Finn said and I rolled my eyes.

"And you totally blew it, I sure remember." I said still looking down. We are literally in the highest spot in the ferris wheel.

I hate that.

"Would you stop looking down? You're making me anxious." Finn said.

"You make me anxious and you don't see me complaining about that, do you?" I said looking at him and he shook his head annoyed.

"I should've known better that Kurt trying to do something nice to me would be a prank or something." Finn said.

"Yeah, how come you didn't notice something was up?" I asked genuinely confused and he just shrugged and I sighed. "It's Kurt."

"I don't know!" He said and I sighed. "You think with your head, I think with my heart. My brother said he planned a surprise to make me feel better and this is not making me feel any better."

"That's relatable." I said and I look down again and I swallowed dry.

"Stop looking down." Finn said.

"I just can't, this is going to fall any time, write that down." I said and he chuckles softly. "This. Is. Not. Funny." I said harshly but he just keeps looking at me with an amused half smile. "Stop smiling, Finn Christopher!" I shouted and threw the teddy bear I got earlier on him.

"Hey!" He said laughing. "This teddy bear is creepy as fuck." He said looking to the teddy bear with a not so happy expression.

"Right?!" I said relieved that someone finally shared the same thought as me. "Quinn said it was cute, it's the creepiest thing I've seen this whole day." I said. "You can keep it if you want to."

"I sure don't want to." He said and throw the teddy bear back to me.

"But you do." I said and give the teddy bear back to him and he laughed.

"No, I don't." He said and give it back to me.

"Cmon, I insist. You can't turn down a gift." I said giggling and he laughed and sighed defeated.

"I never won an argument over you, why it would be any different this time?" He asked hypothetically and I laughed softly.

I really don't know what exactly went wrong between me and Finn. He isn't a bad person, I know that. I'm sure it wasn't because of lack of love. At least, not lack of feelings from my part, I don't know if I can say the same about him. None of us cheated or did something way too big for a break up. We just kind of fell into a routine, I guess. I tried to save us tho, he was the one who seemed to not care enough to try.

"I'm going to keep this on my bed." He said looking to the teddy bear and I laughed. "Right next to me."

"Thank God I don't sleep next to you anymore. Good luck on sleeping with that with you, that thing is hideous." I said and he laughed.

"I almost forgot about how awesome your sense of humor is." He said with a half smile and I bit my lip. "I always loved that about you."

"Finn..." I said but I was interrupted.

"I'm sorry." He said before I could say anything. "I'm sorry, I know it was my fault things didn't worked between us, okay? I know that, trust me."

"Sometimes things don't work out, alright? No matter how much we want to. It doesn't mean you are a horrible person, just means that you and I weren't meant to be." I said shrugging. "It's not your fault not feeling things."

"Oh but I do. I feel things, I feel a lot of things." He said and I just sighed and rest my back on my seat.

"I really don't wanna talk about it now." I said.

"So don't talk, just listen to me." He said and I sighed.

"I really don't have a choice, do I?" I said ironically.

"We are meant to be, Rach. You know that. You think I don't feel anything for you? You wanna know how I feel about you? I'm telling you. Every time you smile at me, I feel goosebumps. When you laugh, that immediately makes me smile. Every morning that I wake up and you're by my side I feel like the luckiest man in the world. Every time we get in the car in the middle of the night driving nowhere and you sing along with the radio, it makes my heart beat so fast that feels like it's going to be ripped out of my chest. Every time you look at me with you amazing eyes, it's like a million shiny stars has just aligned. I love you. I love every single thing about you. I love the way you put so much effort into things you like. I love the way you are so caring with everyone around you. I love the way you look over your shoulder and smile. I love the way you sing so loud in the shower that I can listen from the kitchen. I love you. I love everything about you, even the stuff you don't like. I know that I have some trouble on showing that but please don't think I don't love you. I really do. I really love you." He said and my eyes got teary and I got chills. This was literally the most amazing speech I've ever heard in my entire life. "All I'm asking is for a second chance and I promise you that we'll never break up. I screwed up, I didn't give you attention and I know that's horrible. But living a life without you is not a life that I want to live, I want a second chance and show you that I can be the boyfriend you deserve. Please let me comeback home, I miss you. You're my missing piece, I need you to finish the puzzle." He said looking into my eyes.

"Just to be clear, I'm definitely crying because of the heights not because of you." I said and he cracked a smile on his face. "And I love you too so come here." I said and he smiled and came to me and I stand up and hug him really tight.

"I won't let you go ever again. I swear. I did it once and I won't do it again." He said with his chin resting on the top of my head. The difference of height between us huge.

"That's good to hear." I said looking up to him and he smiled to me.

"I don't really make you anxious, do I?" He asked frowning worriedly and I laughed softly.

"Not really." I said and he smiled.

"I'm so happy right now." He said and hugged me tight again and lift me from the floor and I kissed him passionately. Long three weeks away from him and I don't wanna spend any more time without him. Not ever again.

"Is this thing never going to work again?" I asked looking down again. I see people having fun around like nothing is wrong.

"Stop looking down." He said pulling me by the hand and this time I sit next to him. "I don't mind staying here for a while."

"That's the thing, we already stayed for a while. I wouldn't mind at all going down back to earth." I said and he laughed loud.

"Stop thinking about that, look, the sun is setting." He said and I take me sight off the hideous plush teddy bear and look to the horizon. He is right, the sun is setting. It looks absolutely beautiful. The sky is pink with a mix of purple.

"Wow." I said looking to the sky.

"Right?" He said with a smile.

"By the way." I said and he looks at me. "We are not keeping that on our bed." I said and he laughed and kissed the top of my head.

"We can leave it on the guest bedroom to scare people." He said and I laughed.

"Deal." I said snuggling with him.


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