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My eyes fluttered open slowly because it felt like shards of glass poking the backs of my eyeballs along with the unrelenting misery of a headache. I groaned as I slightly pushed myself up on my forearms. So, that it lifted my back-half off the bed. Rubbing my right eye slightly before I noticed some movement next to me in bed. I paused before turning my head to the left to see a curvy figure under my sheets. What happened last night? As I slowly moved my legs off the side of the bed, but noticed I wasn't wear any pants or underwear. My eyes grew wide, Did I? No... I mean I am naked and there is a naked girl in my bed. Who's the girl though? I'm not going to focus on that right now. Before slowly moving out the door I pulled on my grey baggy sweats, along with my father's old hockey tee. Sneaking down the staircase it seemed quitter then normal. Especially on a Saturday at eleven in the morning. When I turned, the corner seeing both of my parents seated at the table glancing in disappointment. It was rare to see them both together at the same time, then my dad asked, "Can we talk, Greyson?" Gesturing to the chair resting in front of them.

I walked over placing my body in the chair in front of them, then he began talking again. "Did you think last night was a good choice?"

"I-I don't know! I don't remember anything. All I remember was arriving at the party with Massie..."

Ryder shook his head lightly looking over at my mom, Mayla, then back to me, "Look, Greyson you're not in trouble."

Mayla jumped in glaring over at Ryder, "He's not?"

"No. He's not. He didn't drink and drive, instead our son got a ride home." Ryder looked at me letting out a huge sigh, "The thing we are disappoint about is how Penny stayed the night and nothing was mentioned..."

The girl is Penny! What the hell happened? My heart was beating so fast, I swore that if it was beating any faster, it would jump out of my chest. "Okay, can someone explain to me what happened last night? I need to know because... uh, I woke up naked to my best friend and don't even remember her being here. Frankly, I don't remember getting home." I probably looked like a spaz to them right now, but I need know.

Their eyes grew wide when I stated that I woke up naked next to her, but Ryder managed to say, "Well, Penny brought you home last night. You were drunk and I mean drunk. She offered to bring you up to you room to make sure you got in bed, but she never came back down that night. We eventually just went to bed and said we would talk about it in the morning..."

That's it! It was all coming back to me now. The party! The drinks! The drugs! The fight!

Flashback: Last Night

Massie and I pushed our way to the door to see a swarm of people grinding all over each other, but if you weren't focused on that. People stumbling all over the place as drinks were sloshing left and right along with lover's sucking on each other's faces in every corner of the house. Over flowing with people inside and outside as well. Jessie knew how to throw a party, I'll give him that. Speaking of the devil himself, Jessie came walking over with a huge smile on his face. "You both made it!"

Before I could say anything, Massie jumped to the conversation with no hesitation, "Packed house, I see."

"Yes! Indeed, it is." He spread his arms out gesturing his large party letting out a chuckle, "But, how about you both grab some drinks and meet us in the backyard. Less people getting freaky out there."

We both gave him a slight nob before making our way to the kitchen. I made us both drinks. Myself a crown & coke and Massie a Malibu & some kind of V8 splash juice. She mentioned how it tasted like an adult Capri sun, which it did. Following each other out to the backyard, where a large pool was located along with a semi large guest house and a fire pit. I eventually found Jessie's group of buddies who were all sitting in a large patch of grass by the pool smoking their normal stuff. Massie gently rubbed my back, "You go join the boys. I'll meet up with you later." Giving me a quick peck on the cheek before excusing herself.

Just The beginning: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now