Sensory Overload/Field Trip Part 1

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Summary: Peter gets a sensory overload and ends up just going to the tower not remembering that his science class had a field trip to the tower. But low and behold the avengers remember.

Warning(s): Swearing
Ships:  Spideychelle
ребенок паук - baby spider

The compound is not yet a thing. Everyone lives at the tower. Peter has his room on Tony's floor instead of on the avenger's floor. Tony says it is to keep him from getting pranked every night but everyone else (except peter himself) knows that it is because he thinks of him as a son and feels better when he is closer to him. May is alive and well don't worry peter just has a room In the tower for when he stays the night like on weekends.


Peter's P.O.V.

It was sitting in the last class of the day science which would be my favorite if I had not learned everything already from Mr.Stark and Bruce. I was super ready to go to the tower considering it was Friday and I was hanging out at the tower all weekend.  After a couple of minutes of staring off into space, the bell rang. I started to pack up with the rest of the kids in my class. When all of a sudden Mr. Harrison said "If everyone could stay for a few more minutes. I have a very exciting announcement! We have a field trip next week to a very big company. " Everyone stopped moving completely you could hear people's heartbeat. Well, I can anyway because I am spiderman. "You need to come up and get a form on your way out the door! The trip is next Friday so you need to have a parent or guardian sign and then return the slip by next Thursday! The form says where we are going so HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!"

And with that chaos followed. Everyone was shoving their stuff back in their bags faster to get a slip and find out where we were going along with to get their weekend started. Of course, though Ned, MJ, and I packed slower than everyone else. After we grabbed a slip and were making it down the almost empty hallway. I had yet to look where we were going I decided to look at it when I got outside. Ned and MJ had the same idea as me. I started thanking Thor and Loki from above for giving me some luck on scoring my class a field trip. We were about halfway down the hallway when all of a sudden I was shoved forward by none other than Flash. MJ gave Flash a deathly look (like seriously if looks could kill he would be dead in less than ten seconds). "What the hell Flash?" I said after dropping my books that would not fit in my bag. Because teachers do not understand the word weekend and they always decide to give us more homework than necessary. I will probably finish it in 30 minutes tops but still.

"Oh getting cocky are we? Well, I would teach you not to do that but I am pretty sure your girlfriend here would save you." Flash shot back earning another deathly glare from MJ.

"What do you even want?" I said exasperated.

"Oh, nothing however I hope you are ready for next Friday when all of your lies about your fake 'internship at stark industries' will come out in the open penis." He hissed.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry but I have legitimately no clue what you are talking about. For one the internship is real and for two I don't remember us asking Eugene." MJ hissed. I thought it would be best to just stay silent during this whole ordeal and just pick up my things. When MJ is mad or protecting she is super scary. And ever since we started dating she has been as protective as the avengers themselves. However, I was super confused when she said she didn't remember us asking. Asking what?

"Asking what?" Flash said before I got the chance to. "Asking for your opinion oh right we didn't. Also, you may have to say that again because I don't speak dumbass. But don't say it again because I feel myself getting dumber every moment I am within ten feet of you so scram." Flash not being able to come up with a remark sent one last glare my way and left. "Thanks, MJ," I said to her.

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