Field trip/ Sensory overload Part 2 (Wow an actual update)

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I would like to start out by saying I'm so sorry I have posted anything... I lost the motivation to do legit anything.
Summary: Peter gets a sensory overload and ends up just going to the tower not remembering that his science class had a field trip to the tower. But low and behold the avengers remember.

Warning(s): Swearing and Bullying
Flash doesn't get murdered at the end by the way... sorry if that's what you were looking forward to.

The compound is not yet a thing. Everyone lives at the tower. Peter has his room on Tony's floor instead of on the avenger's floor. Tony says it is to keep him from getting pranked every night but everyone else (except peter himself) knows that it is because he thinks of him as a son and feels better when he is closer to him. May is alive and well don't worry peter just has a room In the tower for when he stays the night like on weekends.

————-time skip to the next day————
Peter woke up feeling much better. Although he felt like he was forgetting something. When he looked at the time it was 8:32. He freaked out for a second thinking he was late to school before remembering the day before and how he was told he wasn't going so he decided to get up and get ready. After a quick shower and putting on clothes he headed downstairs to the avengers floor because that was where everyone usually is. When he got there everyone who wasn't busy was waiting for Steve to finish up making waffles. Everyone turned to look at him with wide grins as soon as he sat down with his waffles. That made him suspicious because he still felt like he was forgetting something. He decided to just ignore that feeling. "So... what are we doing today?"
Peter asked as he scanned the room waiting for someone to answer. "We have a Q&A later but besides that lab day?" Tony answered him trying his best not to laugh or give it away. "Okay yeah lab day I have some ideas for webs. Quick question though am I needed for the Q&A?" Peter said while turning to grab his waffles from Steve.
"Ummm I don't know it's up to you. Do you want to do it? It might be loud at first." Tony replied while getting his waffles.
"Yeah sure I'll do it why not it can't be that bad. Just answering some questions. I'll have my mask on so I can just ask Karen to mute some of the volume."
Tony nodded before saying "Okay kid"
The class's POV
Everyone boarded the regular yellow school bus. Ned and Mj were minding their own business well trying to. Flash however had different plans. He was yelling out how "penis Parker is lying" or how "Penis Parker was too afraid to show his face because he was afraid people would find out his internship wasn't real." After two or three insults Ned was getting angry. But Mj still seemed indifferent and still was able to ignore it. She did send glares towards flash every single time he said anything. Finally after 20 minutes of sitting on the bus Mj lost it. "You know what Eugene..."
She preceded to go on a ten minute rant about how flash needed to
Shut his mouth and why no body cares about what he says. By the time she finished, they had arrived at the tower.

in the lab (Peters POV)
Lab day was a little weird. Mr. Stark kept leaving for like two minutes for phone calls. And I still feel like I'm forgetting something. I'm distracted from my thoughts by Mr. Stark telling me to suit up for the Q&A.
~~~~~~~~ After suiting up~~~~~~~
We all made our way down to the Q&A room. As we were walking down there, everyone just kept grinning bigger and bigger... except nat and Bucky but they were smirking all the same. We walked into the empty room and took our respective seats and started quietly talking amongst ourselves waiting for whoever was going to come to come. After about 15 minutes, finally the doors opened and I looked up and physically had to restrain myself from either A. doing what would probably be the normal thing to do and just gasp or groan or B. literally jumping out of the nearest window and never coming back. That's what I was forgetting... A field trip to stark tower today. It was at that moment that I realized that all of the avengers knew about said trip to said tower. How do I know that you may be asking... well all of the avengers were glancing at me and trying not to laugh. Well except Nat and Bucky they were just staring straight ahead. Bruce was also just looking at me with pity. I turned and glared at Tony. All he did was pat me on the shoulder twice and smile at me. Then he started the Q&A. We all went around and introduced ourselves by our superhero name and then by their regular name. Except for me all I said was "sup... I'm Spider-Man."
As I looked through the crowd, I found Ned and Mj sitting in the back snickering at my situation. Question after question was asked and eventually Mr. Stark called on Flash.
Nobody's POV
"Okay we have time for a few more questions... so you with the red shoes." Tony said.
Everyone looked down and around trying to find the red shoes. Yet no one was looking at their own feet. After a few moments of people still searching Tony gave up and said "Red shoes... first row sixth seat in from the right."
Flash sat up straighter when he realized that was him. He preceded to ask his question looking smug. "Do you have any high school interns?"
This made all of the avengers confused as to why he would be asking this and all of the high schoolers in the room just plain annoyed. Peter however started to panic. All he could think of was 'if they find out that he's bullying me he's dead, I'm dead, we are all going to die.'
Tony responded with "yes actually I do have one. But I don't see how that's any of your concern."
Flash started to look even more smug. "Well there is a kid in our class who didn't show up to the field trip today who claims to have an internship with you and-."
"Let me cut you off right there." Tony looked pissed but it was hidden. Only the avengers and Pepper and Peter  could really tell that he was angry. "I'm assuming you mean Peter Parker. Correct?"
That confused the class. Ned and Mj however were looking excited. They knew exactly what was going to happen. All flash could do was nod however.
"Yeah mmmm... Hey spidey?" Tony directed the last part towards Peter.
"Yes? You want me to go up and get him don't you?"
"Yes. Yes I do."
Peter sighed and walked out of the room to head upstairs to change already trying to figure out a few excuses. Number one is how he was going to explain why he was at the tower and not at school doing work like anyone else. Number two was where spidey was going to go off to. Before he knew it he was changed and headed back to where the avengers were waiting for him.
~~~~~~~~~~~ Like a 10 minute time skip~~~~~~~~
When Peter walked back in to the room where everyone was waiting for him, everyone there stopped paying attention to the literal avengers and turned to look at him. "Uhhh hey guys... what's up?"
Tony was the first to say something. "Hey kid come here."
Peter walked up and stood next to Tony "Listen 'Flash' was it? I despise bullying. We all do.  I'm not going to lecture you too much because I'm sure you will be in trouble with your teachers when you get back to school. Right?"
He said the ending with a look towards Mr. Harrington. Not prepared for the attention to be brought onto him, Mr. Harrington looked a little startled. "Oh- of course... we will be talking about the bullying problem Mr. Thompson"
He tried to look intimidating towards Flash but it didn't really work.  Tony continued on looking down at his watch "Anyway I think that's all the time we have. If everyone could please follow your tour guide back down to the lobby and she will properly check everyone out of the building."
Before flash could fully leave the room, all the avengers minus Tony and Peter that were there except for the came up behind him and scared him. Everyone was glaring at him when Bucky spoke. "We all love Peter and aren't afraid to kill for him. You even look at Peter the wrong way again and we won't hesitate to make your life a living hell. Understand?"
"Yes- yes sir. I'm sorry sir."
"Good now scurry off to your class and never speak of this moment again."
Peter stood next to Tony still standing on stage with Pepper on Peters other side. Peter whispered "thanks mom thanks dad."
"Anytime kiddo"
Yeet that took way longer than it was supposed to. I have so many drafts I want to work on. I'm going to try to start updating regularly. Oh by the way the last I updated there was 700 reads and I looked before I updated again and this has fitted to 1.34K reads and when I tell you the first time when I looked and saw 1.25K I may have screamed and had to muffle my excitement. But this rant was just to say thank you all so much ❤️Anyway stay safe as always.

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