What I Wanna Tell You

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I know you dont need me around but I'd like to stay if that's okay
We dont have to do much as long as we're happy we dont even have to talk
Just being around you and seeing you smile is enough
Still I like being the reason you smile the most, though
Sorry if I get weird or can't talk
It's hard to think clearly around you sometimes
Even so, i can be myself without fear and that's the biggest gift I've been given
You don't care about how I look, talk, or act. You dont even care what we talk about as long as there's smiles between us
Between us is a better friendship than I've ever had and I'm grateful
Even if you dont want anything more from that, I'll always admire you at the very least
I hope one day I'm as patient and accepting as you are
You've made me feel welcomed when I never have before and I can only say thank you.

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