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Valentine Girl


June  2, 20**

“Its the second day of classes...”  Heejin says to herself, walking towards the school's gate to enter the school grounds, her ponytail slightly jumping up and down as she walks herself near the school's very open gates “JEON HEEJIN!”

After hearing the sudden shout, Heejin gave a giggle out her mouth. Turning to face on what's behind her, she was then met with Jisung who was running to her direction, she just smiled at him

“Hi Jisung.”

“Hi to you too Heejin.” Jisung greets back, now slowing down as he now walks beside the female, who indeed laughed at how Jisung came running to her so early in the morning “What?”

“Oh, its nothing Jisung. Its just that, you looked like a kindergarten student who was running out from school because he saw his Mom.” Heejin giggles, earning herself Jisung's arm that wrapped softly around her shoulder, her heart skips a small beat at the sudden move

“Yah, why say that and compliment me about how tall I'm getting already.” Jisung teases, his other hand was trailing to Heejin's head before ruffling it softly “Yah! Doesn't mean that your taller than me means that you have to bully me about how short I am! Hmph! I can't believe you sometimes Han Jisung...” Heejin puffs

“I was just teasing you, don't take it around so seriously though. ” Jisung laughs, making Heejin to cover her soft blush that came burning out her cheeks all of a sudden, trying to cover up, she tried to squish his cheeks but, not after someone who directly bumped into her, making Jisung catch her while her face dug softly into his chest

“Oh, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it..” A sudden voice said, making Heejin snap out of her thoughts before looking at the person who bumped her, she wanted to make things clear with that person “Oh, its fine and-”

She obviously stopped mid sentence, catching the boy's eye, she froze, it was Lee Minho, the nation's cutie, the drama queen and also, the school's head choreographer for the school's dance team. She gulped “Oh, hi Minho. Well, didn't see you there. Sorry for that..”

Heejin softly says, earning Minho's quick response to her saying “Oh no don't apologize to me, I was actually about to run to someone I know that I accidentally bumped into you. Sorry though Heejin..” Minho apologized, giving her an apologetic smile, making the female to look at Jisung

“Should I?”  Heejin whispers to the male who stood beside her, Jisung whispers to her back “Yeah, you should Heejin.” Jisung replies back

“I-Its fine Minho, you don't need to apologize, you didn't do it intentionally and I'm not mad and all but, its fine just don't apologize.” Heejin replies, ringing up a smile that was now playing on her lips. Minho looked up and smiled

“Are you sure though Heejin?” Minho asks, surprised that he looks at Heejin like he was all so shocked or something “Yeah, I totally mean it Minho, you don't need to apologize to me! You didn't do it intentionally so, there's no need to be apologizing right now...” Heejin smiles, gesturing her hands at Minho that he shouldn't

“Well then, see you around then Heejin!” Minho says smiling, dashing off before finally back hugging the person he wanted to run after, Heejin then looks at Jisung “Shall we?”

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