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Valentine Girl


[Heejin's POV]
B I O L O G Y  C L A S S

“I can't concentrate...”

I sighed, rubbing my temples before placing my chin back unto my palm as I now stare at our teacher, Mr. Kim who was still explaining some stuff in their lesson here in lesson right now, I let out another soft sigh in which Hyunjin noticed, I covered my face directly

Did he noticed me?? My head was originating thoughts again, making my cheeks tint another pinkish blush that almost made me lose my guards up, I looked at the male who stared at me from beside “You okay?” He mouthes me a sentence, I nodded shyly at him, not wanting any eye contact happening right now

He sighs, looking straight at the board with his pen slowly twirling round his finger, I looked at him with my blush slowly fading, I gulped Seriously Jeon, what had you gotten yourself into with Hyunjin & Minho right-”


The bell rang loudly, taking in all the student's attention making them lowkey smile that lunch had descended upon them like saviours. To be honest, when Biology comes striking us all, we all tend to just keep quiet and wait for the bell to ring

We're all that sneaky so, bare with us

“So, since the bell had rang. I would like you all to study well and we'll have a short quiz next week. Now, off you all go.” Mr. Kim announced to all, making some groan while some just nodded and acted like it was all no big deal. Everyone walked out of the classroom, delighted that lunch was here “Hey Heejin? Can I have a word with you for awhile?”

Oh no, I know that voice, I then bit my lower lip as I squinted my eyes before facing to meet contact with Hwang Hyunjin, the Prince, the Social Media star and all the girls crushes is my seatmate. Isn't that just crazy???

“Y..yeah?” I answered him, roaming my eyes everywhere as long as I don't meet his gaze, I'm fine “Are still pounding on the thought of having lunch with me today?” He asks me

I looked at him, remembering the offer he asked me awhile ago. The Hyunjin incident at the lockers awhile ago in the morning. Oh, that offer. I sighed, as I looked at him, trying to control my emotions not to pop right now

“I'm still two timing myself though.”

What did I just say?? Two timing myself with the thought? I sighed once more, shaking my head a little before hearing Hyunjin sigh. Did I made the right choice y'all? Or....not?

“Heejin-ah, you know you can just turn down the offer you know? Its not like I'm gonna force you to come at all, its just your decision rather to go or not, its fine with me as long as you clarify your answer to me.” Hyunjin says as he stands in front of me, ruffling his raven, dark hair with his hand softly running through. I just bit my lower lip once more “Maybe I can-”

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