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Valentine Girl


[At Heejin's home]

"Its too boring at home..."

The female sighs, scrolling through her phone and of course, she would be scrolling down Social media as usual. She tilts her head before she continued unto scrolling down some posts down Social media but, she still couldn't forget the post her brother showed her awhile ago, she still felt a little flustered that her brother had seen it. Okay, not only her brother but all her family members did

"There's nothing quite exciting here in Social media..." She purses her lips, still scrolling down her phone just to ease her boredom as she is in her room. Seeing some random posts on Social media, she now bites her lower lip as her finger did the scrolling job

T I N G !

Her phone gave a short Ting! out, telling the female that she had a brand new notification popped out. She presses the notification, looking through to see someone had sent her a Friend request? Huh? Who would that be though?

She then checks the account, Huh? Has she ever seen an account like this before? She ruffles her hair while her lower lip still being bitten by her

@Hwang_Jinnie had sent you a
friend request

Accept?          Decline?

"Huh? Whose account is this?" She thinks to herself, not even trying to see that person's entire account. She sighs, not even thinking twice to decline this person, she just clicked Accept and baam! She's now back to scrolling down Social media now

"...Wonder who that person was." She mumbles to herself, scrolling down her phone while she places her chin unto the palm of her hand because, she was getting all bored already with Social media now. There weren't anything exciting and fun to see

She was about to turn off her phone but, not after she comes crossing paths with this one post and trust me, she's now regretting accepting that friend request because that! Was not just someone but a person she knows




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