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Valentine Girl

[A/N: Guys, I would rather recommend you guys to listen to this song's chorus from 1:12 as you read from where Heejin meets the dance club's practice room in where she sees Minho dancing until the end.]


“Thanks for walking me home Felix, I owe you that though.” Heejin smiles at the male, they stood before the front door of Heejin's house, Felix gives a soft smile out as usual “No need to owe me though, I kinda liked walking home with you though Heejin. Let's do it more often.” Heejin felt her heartbeat raise some beats up

“Y...yeah, we should. Oh, see you later- I mean, see you tomorrow Felix.” Heejin waves goodbye to the male, with a smile, Felix waves back before entering his house with a small click of the door being closed. Heejin lits up a smile before pulling herself into her house, a smile playing on her lips

“I'm home!” She says, raising her foot up to take her shoes off before entering the house's living room in which laid before her. After taking her shoes off, she went inside “Mom? Dad? I'm home.” She says once more

Walking herself into the kitchen, she was soon met with her Mom who was enjoying herself as she cooked dinner, her Mom looked at her direction “Oh, hi sweetie! Welcome home.” She says, hugging Heejin close to her chest before showering her with some kisses from her cheeks to her forehead

“Hi Mom, well, where are the others?” Heejin asks, mentioning about her two other siblings and her father while her Mom gave a smile. For Heejin, even though her Mom was already in her 40s, she still managed to look so beautiful and young and, Heejin admires her Mom for that “Your sister's busy with stuff and your brother and your Dad went out to buy some groceries. We're already running low on some stuff so, I told them to buy some.” Her Mom smiles at her

“Oh okay, well, do you need any help here though Mom?” Heejin asks, looking around the kitchen to see whether she can help or not “Oh, I'm fine here sweetheart, just get changed and I'll call you here when dinner's ready okay?” Heejin couldn't change her Mom's decision so, without doubt, she nods her head and went upstairs to change her clothes

She slightly comes walking pass her sister's room, she decides to knock and greet her like the little sibling she was as usual “Unnie! You there?”

The door comes flinging open to reveal her sister, she hugs her before she starts greeting her “Evening Unnie! Oh, did I disturb you or anything Unnie?” She asks, taking a peak at her sister's room while her sister just gives her a short laugh

“Heejin-ah, you didn't disturb anything, its fine. And also, Evening to you as well our little Jeon.” She starts ruffling Heejin's hair playfully, earning a soft laugh from Heejin as she enjoys how she and her sister bonds together

“Are you still gonna change?”

“Yep, I just got home now Somi Unnie” Heejin answers, making her sister, Jeon Somi, nod her head as she continues to ruffle her hair slightly “Okay, get changed because dinner's gonna be ready in 20 minutes.” Somi says, earning Heejin's cute yet confused face towards her “How do you know dinner's gonna be ready in 20 minutes Unnie?” Heejin asks curiously

“I have my ways so, chop chop! And get changed now Heejin.” Somi answers, squishing her sister's cheek before closing the door before with a soft click coming right after, Heejin releases a soft giggle before proceeding to her room to change

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