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Hello! If you're reading this, you're loved.

Now, you may be wondering what the purpose of this book is. I mean, everyone knows what depression is, right? No.

Over the course of time, I have seen people throw the word around because they do not have a real understanding of what it is. My boyfriend broke up with me, I'm depressed; my mother asked me to do the dishes two days in a row, I can feel depression setting in; and the most common one: everyone in my class uses an iPhone X and I'm still stuck with an iPhone 8, I'm depressed.

This is the reason why most people do not take people who are really depressed seriously, they have seen teenagers and even adults complain of depression because they want the attention and, sometimes, end with suicide for reasons far less than listed above.

So let's take this book as some kind of Depression 101 to educate us on the real signs of depression and what to do to help ourselves—whether you need to start making important changes or you just need to binge another season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and be fine.

I got this really nice material that we'll be using to learn from www.thiswayup.org. It's a forum formed by a group of clinical psychologists at St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, that gives courses on anxiety, depression, social phobia and many other medical issues. So if you need more information on this topic or any other, feel free to look up the website and take a course.

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