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No one knows exactly what causes depression. It is clear that genetic factors are important in many cases of depression (as do other mood disorders), and about thirty percent of the predisposition for depression is due to genetic influences.

Stressful life events play a part in the onset and relapse of depression. Ongoing conflicts with others can take their own toll on our well-being, as can other social and environmental stressors such as financial difficulties, retirement, unemployment, childbirth, loneliness, or loss of someone or something important. In vulnerable people, these unpleasant life vents may be enough to cause or worsen a depressive illness.

A person's personality characteristics are an important factor. When people are depressed, they usually have a very negative view of themselves and the world. They do not appreciate good things, and bad things seem overwhelming. Some people have a tendency to view things this way even when they are not depressed. In other words, they may have a depressive personality style.

Another possible cause of depression that should not be overlooked is physical illness or medications. Glandular fever, influenza, birth control pills, alcohol. And other substances of abuse, or other medications may all cause symptoms of depression.

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