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Education for people with depression is extremely valuable because it provides a knowledge base that gives the person greater control over his or her disorder. Greater control in turn may lead to reduced feelings of helplessness and an increased sense of well-being.

It is important to remember:

· Depression is an illness, not a sign of weakness or character defect.

· Recovery is the rule, not the exception.

· Treatment is effective, and there are many treatment options available.

· The goal of treatment is to get completely well and stay well.

· The rate of recurrence is quite high: half the people who have had one episode of depression will have a recurrence, and the rate increases with the number of previous episodes.

· The person and his or her family can be taught to recognize and act upon early warning signs of depression.

I really hope this helps someone out there. If you have any questions, feel free to bombard our message box or leave a comment. Also, there are lots of websites where you can get more detailed information, like the one where I got this from.

You are loved and you are definitely not alone.



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