❄️kang yeosang ❄️

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This is one of my biases!!

This is one of my biases!!

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Pregnancy au!
"YEO!!!" I sighed this is the 5th time she has called in 20 minutes. I'm getting annoyed. I walked into the living room where she was sprawled out on the couch eating lays and dipping it in cheese. "Yes princess?" I asked trying to mask my annoyance. "Can you get me some ice cream with pickles on top, the hot ones. Me and the baby are hungry again." I nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"BABY!!" I heard her scream again. I grabbed the bowl and walked over to the couch. "Here's your food, what else do you need princess?" She grabbed the bowl, she looked at me and started........

Crying?! What the hell!? "Baby are you ok?" She shook her head as she began to ball her eyes out. "What's wrong?...." I asked she then looked at me...her tears dried, she balled her fist up and start to scream and throw a tantrum. "What's wrong...? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHATS WRONG!? IM ALWAYS HUNGRY THE BABY KICKS TO MUCH! I CANT GO ANYWHERE-" I cut her off with a kiss. "Honey..even though you get on my nerves- I still love you ok, and that little thing inside of you is our future..love." She began to cry again.

Uh oh....

The imagine is all jokes I don't know what pregnancy is like so yeah that's just some basic knowledge I picked up.

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