♪Jung Wooyoung♪

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These gifs I want to use don't wanna load so no gif again :(((

Contains :
*committing scooter ankle (or Su**cide)
Moving on!

I sighed as I looked in the mirror , seeing my busted eye and lip. This has been happening for 2 years now and I just want it to be over. I hear the door open signifying that he's home. Jung wooyoung is home.

I got up to go downstairs and greet him , until I saw him with another girl hugging his arm. I knew it was time to play maid again in order to not get me in trouble which caused the last beating. "Welcome home Mr. Jung, hello madam." I greeted the lady just mean mugged me and asked "where is the bathroom." "Upstairs to your right" I explained as she left to go find it.

"Listen here you whore! Don't mess up this hook up for me , you understood?" I nodded going to the guest room to go cry my eyes out quietly to hear the moans and groans coming out of the rooms next door.

But I decided that I won't have this anymore...

I waited for the girl to kiss him goodbye and leave so I can go grab his gun that he keeps in his drawer. They were still talking as I managed to get the gun. "What the fuck are you doing in the drawer huh!?" He slapped me in the back of my head but I held the gun tight as we threw fists at each other. I fought him off me in time to get the gun started.

I-I-I shot him right in the head........

"That's all we needed Miss y/n , thank you for your time."

I walked home from the police department to tell my side of the story. Well wooyoung survived and wanted to press charges. But they will not catch me alive.

I walked into my apartment that I got with the little money I had with being a waitress. I went into my room to pull out a knife.

"Do it"
"Do it"
"Do it"
"Do it"
Was all I could hear, I put the knife to my heart and stabbed myself 10 times .My vision blurred until it was dark....
Am I dead?.....

*late edit *
Just like my other imagines , Jung wooyoung is not a woman beater or womanizer. Is what we know currently

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