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Trevor: Hey am I ugly?

Cole: God made no one ugly.

Trevor: Awww thank—

Cole: So who the hell made you?


Oliver: The eagles lost yesterday.  

Revy: You watched the game? 

Oliver, covered in scratches: What game?


Dimitri, trying to be nice: You have really great hair. 

Nathan, trying to stay calm: Thanks, I grow it myself.


Nathan: You have a face. 

Dimitri: Yes, I do. 

Nathan: I mean, a nice face. You have a nice face. 

Dimitri: ??? 

Nathan, tearing up: I'll see myself out.


Trevor: I don't know what to do during a funeral, I've never even been to these kinds of events.

Avery: It's simple, don't worry. Just say "I'm sorry for your loss" and move on. 

[Later at a funeral] 

Trevor: I'm sorry for your loss, move on.


Dimitri: Nathan could you please do me a favor? 

Nathan: I would literally die for you, but yes go on.


Cole: Trev, are you ignoring Ave? 

Trevor: I'm playing hard to get.  

Cole: Why would you do that? You're already hard to want.


Revy: I would walk through fire for you guys.  

Revy: Well maybe not fire but a very humid room.

Revy: But not too humid because of my hair.



Oliver: Shake it, Namu 

Namu: [shimmies] 


Oliver: I meant the container.


Trevor: Hey, what's your number? 

Avery, visibly texting: I don't have a phone.


Interviewer: What's it like being a teacher? 

Dimitri: Imagine working with completely civilized, responsible and mature people.

Interviewer: Okay. 

Dimitri: Now throw that idea out the window.


Oliver: I have an idea. 

Revy: We're not setting anything on fire. 

Oliver: Okay then I have no ideas.


Namu: What's going on over there? 

Revy: Whatever it is, it's Oliver's fault.


Cole, handing trevor a present: Happy birthday, Trev! 

Trevor: You promised you wouldn't get me bees again. 

Cole, from a distance: Just open it.


Revy: carrying lumia bridal style and talking to her sweetly 

Oliver: sprints past, carrying Namu over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes while namu is screaming


Nathan: It's so dark I can't see anything.  

Dimitri: I got this. 

Dimitri: smiles 

Dimitri: lights up the whole area for half a second from the shine in his teeth 

Nathan: What the fu-


Dimitri: 911, what's your emergency? 

Nathan: Help, I can't find my up sexy. 

Dimitri: What's up sexy?

Nathan: Nothing much, what's up with you?


 Dimitri: sigh.


[first date]

Avery: What do you do?

Trevor: [remembering girls like bad boys] I sell drugs.

Avery: Are you serious?

Trevor: [remembering girls like sensitive guys] To kids in need.


Dimitri: covers his mouth with his arm as he sneezes  

Oliver: Look everyone Dimitri's dabbing. 

Dimitri: No I'm not, I have a cold.   

Oliver: Watch, he's gonna do it again.  

Dimitri: sneezes again 

Everyone: [synchronized dab]

Also Dimitri: I am currently enlisting the ones who dabbed in my head. Meet me at detention.


Lumia: accidentally bumps into revy 

Lumia: panics on deciding whether to say "are you okay?" or "i'm so sorry" 



Oliver: Hey is this seat taken?

Nathan: Yes, this seat is for my best friend only.

Oliver: [walks away sadly]

Nathan: You know I meant you, right?

Oliver: [turns around, beaming happily]

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