Chapter 1: Off to Camp

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k guys here is the first chapter(: Hope you like!!(:xxx



Harry's POV

I opened my eyes my vision blurry but eventually came to focus on my alarm clock "5:30". I didn't sleep a wink last night. Why you might ask? Because today is the day I get shipped off to Summer Camp. Camp Lakeside to be specific. I used to go there as a kid but after puberty hit I started to hang out with friends and go to parties during the summer.

I hate this camp and when I mean hate with a capital H-A-T-E! The councilors sucked. They all hated me because I would pull a prank or two. It wasn't my fault they where easy targets. The food was disgusting, beds itchy, and only cold showers. But the thing I hated the most about Camp Lakeside was that it was an all boys camp.

"Harry, get up and start getting ready we leave in two hours!" I hear my mum scream up from the steps. I let our a grunt of unhappiness and pull myself out of bed. The cold air seemed to suffocate my body. At this point I was regretting leaving the warm comfort of my sheets. My body was numb but I manage to find the will power to make it to the shower.

The hot steam from the shower calmed me and I lost track of time. BANG! BANG! "Harry you little shit get out of the shower your wasting the hot water!" My older sister Gemma shouted. "This is just not my day." I whisper to myself. Ripping back the shower curtain my skin became icy once again. I rap my towel around my slim waist and run back to my room.

I slipped on some boxer shorts and looked for a outfit to throw on, I already packed most of my things last night so the option was not great. I ended up putting on a purple Jack Willis hoodie, some gray sweats, and a beanie. Throwing my bag over my shoulder I take one last look at my room before its left lifeless for the next three months.

I barley make it to the bottom of the stairs before I hear my mom "Harry Edward Styles why is it that you have to take so long you know I'm on a tight schedule today." I let out a sigh "Sorry I'm not jumping out of my socks to leave. If you didn't catch on I don't want to go." She shook her head at me "Guess you should have thought about that before you went and took my car out joy ridding."

I cant believe she just brought that up. Yes I did take it out for a small trip to the grocery. It was harmless. Until I crashed it into our neighbors fence backing out. "What ever." I gave her a look before going into the kitchen and pouring me some cereal.

The drive was about a hour and half away to the buses but it seemed like it took forever. Half of me wanted to jump out of the car why I still had a chance. As we pull up I see about six buses with "Camp Lakeside" written in faded black lettering along the storage cubbies.

"Stay here Harry. I'm going to go and get your registration papers dealt with." My mom said as she slammed the door. I stood there looking around. I could actually recognize some of the faces from when I use to come here . "Harry? Harry Styles?" I hear a familiar accent shout. I turn around to see a head of blonde hair with some brown re-growth and a stunning pair of blue eyes. "Niall is that you?" I asked with a curious tone in my voice.

"Wow I never thought I see you back here again." His Irish voice stated. "Yeah me neither." my reply had a bit of annoyance in it. "Niall lets go get a seat before the good bus is full." A brown eyed boy with a birth mark on his neck called over. Niall waved for him to join us. "Liam this is my friend Harry we used to go to this camp together as kids." He smiled looking at me. The boy was very attractive brown puppy eyes and a smile to knock you dead.


Niall's POV

The curly headed boy gave me a look of approval. I know he probably thinks Liam was my boyfriend and every ounce of me wanted to smile back but instead I just shook my head. His smile faded has his cheeks went a shade of red. "Liam and I met the year after you left." I nodded looking up at his brown eyes. "That's cool, well its nice to meet you Liam." Harry said sticking his had out for a shake. "You to mate." Liam smiled.

"Here you go love." A women handed Harry some papers. It took me a second before realizing who it was. "Anne, your looking as brilliant as ever." I smiled up at the older women. From the look on her face I can tell she didn't recognize me. "Mom you remember Niall Horan." Her face shot up with a smile. "Oh yes, yes I do. Sorry love you look so much older now and your braces threw me off." She said pulling me in for a hug. I looked at the watch on my wrist "11:04". "Eh lads its almost time to head out lets get one the bus." They both shook there head agreeing and wave to Anne good-bye why she was squeezing the life out of Harry.

Harry and I sat together and Liam was behind us about two seats. "So." I hear Harry mumble. "Huh mate your going to need to speak up if you want me to hear you." I gave him a smirk. "You and Liam huh?" He returned the smirk only his had dimples. "God Harry we haven't seen each other in three years and the first thing you want to ask me is about my love life." I looked up and him and his eyebrows were wiggling. "hmmhmm." he hummed. "No where not together. Liam is straight and he would never fancy me anyway." I said trying to convince myself more then Harry.

"Does he even know you suck dick?" He smirked trying to cover up a laugh. I smack him in the back of the head. "Ugh what was that for." The curly haired boy whined and he rubbed his skull. "Because Harry you still the same immature horn-dog ever to be born." I let out a chuckle. He just smiled proudly.

All Boys All Summer (A One Direction Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora