Chapter 2: Cabinmates

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K so I hope you guys liked the first chapter kind of short but as the story goes on it will get longer and more in depth.

Harry’s POV


“Hey lad where here.” I felt a push on my arm. I tried going back to sleep when a Wet Willie came in contact with my ear. “What the fuck are you doing!” I shot up from my seat. “See Liam that’s how you wake Harry.” They both started to snicker. “Come on then we need to go sign in and get our cabins.” Niall smiled. I gathered my things and fallowed them off the bus.

This place was even worse then I remember. Not much has changed though I could still find my way around. I head over to the usual sign in table. “What your name dear.” a old familiar voice croaked. “Harry Styles.” I smiled. She looked up and me and I found myself in the presence of the grumpiest and oldest witch ever Councilor Margret.

“Oh joy, your back.” Her voice shaky with a hint of hate behind her words. “Hello Miss I am surprised to see you here I thought you would have kicked the bucket a long time ago.” I gave her my cheekiest grin. “Trust me Styles if I knew I was going to see you again I would have done the deed myself.”

Its an understatement to say me and this old witch had history together. On my first year of camp I died her cat pink. Needless to say she wasn’t to thrilled and had me sent to isolation for the rest of the weekend. After that is when our rivalry began. “Your in cabin 1D, oh great and your with Horan again this will be a fun summer.” Her smokers voice was sarcastic. I didn’t care I was just happy I was with Niall again we had some crazy times together back in the day and I can see our reputation still stands.

I look around trying to spot the blonde re-growth. He was with Liam again both laughing and looking like best mates or maybe something more? I wonder what is going on with them. I walk over excited to tell Niall the news but he cut me off “Were roomies again!” He was even more exited then I was. “Its going to be great just like the old days!” You know this might not be as bad of a summer as I thought.

“Oh and guess what Harry! Liam is rooming with us!” His smile was from cheek to cheek its weird he has braces now. I knew he always wanted them but I never thought he was actually going to do it Niall is not very good with pain. “Lets go find our cabin. I could really used some food.” Niall walked off into the direction of the D cabins.

We finally get to our new home. It was really big for just three of us. “This used to be the old councilor shack before the built the new ones last year.” Liam stated. “Oh really that’s cool.” Me and him where in the kitchen when Niall walks in. “Lads there are five beds looks like were getting some more roommates. “Really I don’t want more roommates!” I sighed. “I barely got used to Liam. The brown eye boy looked up with a emberesed smile. “Well you never know they could be really good guys.” Liam said. “Your to nice.” my annoyance filled the room. I know I am being a little kid about this but I just started thinking positive about this summer and now I have to put up with two more guys who could be straight assholes.


Louis’s POV

“Zayn! Zayn!” I yelled. “Lou I am right here don’t get your panties in a bunch!” I looked over and Zayn was chuckling at me. “This place is so gross! That kid right there just at a boogie and there was a bug on my new TOMS Zayn a bug! That’s not ok!” I was so mad he convinced me to come to this dirty place.

If it was my choice I would be out at star bucks getting my usual and maybe get some shopping done. But no Zayn convinced my mom to send me to this horrid place with him. “It will be good for you to get some fresh air and hang out with some regular boys.” Well mom I don’t want fresh air I want to smell the sent of the mall and a Chi vente from the coffee shop.

Zayn flagged me over for sign up to get out cabin keys. I stopped in my tracks “What is that…” I saw a freaking rabid grizzly bear. “Louis don’t be mean he is one of the councilors.” Zayn said sternly. “I am not believing that for one moment. No human on this plant is that hairy.” His eyes went wide and he couldn’t control his laughter. “Just try and be nice ok.” He managed to get out between a chuckle. “I will be just fine if he keeps his greasy paws off my new Gucci luggage bags.”

“Here you go boys cabin 1D for you.” The man animal announced. I gave him a look clearly implying that he needed a shower and to get out of my face. Zayn hit me in the back when he saw me. “Louis say thank you.”  “Thank you Mr. I’m sure we will see you around.” I force a smile. “This way.” Zayn said pointing at our cabin on the ’New Comer Map’. Great and now I have to walk. I did not pack for these types of advents. I let out a sigh and fallowed the dark haired boy.


Liam’s POV

I was sitting on the couch when I heard a knocking noise. “Niall, Harry someone is at the door!” I shouted not wanting to get up and check it for myself. “Liam you lazy ass.” I heard the Irish accent reply. Niall came walking down the hall way. The door swung open and there stood two boys. One olive skin with dark quiffted hair. His eyes where brown and he had a pretty nice smile on him. The other one looked like he just walked out of a fashion magazine with TOMS, red skinny jeans, a stripped shirt, and to top it off some suspenders.

“I am Zayn and this is Louis.” The dark haired boy said. “Hi I am Niall you two must be our new roommate huh?” Niall bubbly attitude filled the room he loved meeting new people. The two boys nodded. “Well come in and put you bags down you look exhausted. “I sure am.” The model looking one said. “I have been walking all over this place trying to fine our cabin and I hate the smell here its to woodsy?” The boy threw his bags in and took a sit.

“Sorry about that my friend doesn’t seem to have his manners. Liam?” Niall looked at me. “Oh sorry hi guys I’m Liam Payne.” I went over to greet the two boys. “Harry is in the shower now but he should be out soon.” Niall smiled as a awkward  silence came over us.

The shower was now off and I could here Harry’s foot steps coming in. “Hey guys watcha do- .” he was stopped at the site of the two new roommates. I could see why to all he was wearing where some small Calvin Cline underpants that exposed more then they covered. Except I do recalling Niall saying that Harry is very comfortable with his body and being nude.

“I am Harry.” My eyes shot up and I was wondering if he caught me staring. “This is Zayn and Louis” Niall confirmed. It looks like I wasn’t the only one who spaced out. “Well I’m feeling a little over exposed I will be right back.” Harry back out of the room. I guess he could tell everyone was a little distracted.

I looked back up at the two new boys and I saw Zayn looking at Niall in a way that I can say I really didn’t like. “We should go they are going to have  the ‘Welcome Bonfire' tonight and we want to get there early.” I snapped trying to pull the boy's eyes from Niall.

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