Chapter 4: The Morning After

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I know its taken me forever to upload but every time I planned to do it I either wasnt finished or something came up!! Annoying i know haha. but anyway here it is long over due hope everyone like!!(: Please leave feed back on what you think and the direction the story should go love hearing from my fans!(: PS some sextual content so you have been warned.



Nialls POV 

     It was morning now and Liam sent still filled my thoughts. His smile still mesmerized my senses. My stomach still had butterflies. It was 8:10 and I am the only one up. Which is nice because it gave me time to think about me and Li's relationship. I know I want to be with him. I have ever sense that first summer at camp together. I am just scared he won't feel the same. Actually I know he won't, he has never shown any interested in me or any other guy for that matter. Part of me still hung on to the thought that there was more to us then just mates.

     A sleepy voice snapped me back into reality. I couldn't make out who it belong to. When I turned over I was surprised to see Zayn. His usually quiffed hair was down in front of his face but it still look gorgeous. He was shirtless and wearing some pajama bottoms which were very cute I must say. His body was beautiful and my mind seemed to forget about Liam. "When is breakfast?" The angelic voice took my breath away again. "I-in about a-a hour or so." I don't know why but my mouth was dry and i couldn't get the words out.

     Although we our cabin did have a small kitchen from when it belonged to the councilors we only were aloud snacks. So made sure to pack what should get me threw two weeks before i starve to death waiting for the scheduled time. I was good until Zayn said something and now my tummy is starting to get mad at me. 

     "So how did you sleep?" I ask trying to get my mind off the noises my empty belly was making. "Not bad, I was a little cold." He was now sitting next to me. "Yeah it does get kind of cold around night time out here. Guess its just the mountains or something." I smiled remembering I had to get up and put on another pair of socks and a jacket. "Well maybe some night you will have to come cuddle up and keep me warm?" He ask in a question but it almost sounded like a demand. His warm palm was now on my thy. My face turned red from the question and now I was starting to bite my lip from the hand placement. 

     "What are the activities planned today?" his hand left and my skin felt cold now. "Well the first few days not much is planned because they want us just to spend time with our cabin mates and bond." My voice was a little shaky from nerves. As he heard my words a cheeky gin appeared "Sound perfect to me." His knee gently skimmed  mine.  Was he flirting with me? This never happens or if it does I am just to dumb to notice. He can't be he hasnt even said anything about being gay. Maybe he is just toying with me sense I told him I was. "Y-yeah." My voice still unsure of itself. Why am I acting like this!

     This is so weird the only other person ever that made me act like this was Liam. Why is this boy that a barley new driving me so crazy! But there is something about him I cant but my finger on. Maybe it was his golden eyes or his perfect smile. Maybe it was the face that he is showing me attention that I have for so long wanted from Liam. 

     I could here foot steps coming into the small kitchen/living room area. "Morning Mates." Of course right now it had to be Liam. He always has perfect timing!! I mean i'm sitting here all flustered from a guy who is now inches from my face and the boy I have been crushing over comes in right on cue to see. "Hey." I managed to croak out.

     Liam look so sexy he wasn't wearing a shirt and he has obviously been working on his abs over the year. You could see a faint happy train which my eyes could help but wonder where it led to. His Calvin Cline underwear waist band was poking out from the gray sweats hanging loosely from his hips. I could feel a poking from inside my jean begging for release, fuck me. I placed my hand trying to hide what might be noticed of my friend. My cheeks were staring to redden, double fuck fuck!

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