Chapter 3: Bon Fire

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Hey peoples hope you liking the stroy so far i feel really good about the way its turning out!!(: Thanks so much for your support means a lot! Oh and dont forget to comment love hearing feed back and seeing what you guys want to read!!(: 


Zayn’s POV

Everyone was unpacked now. Sense this was the previously a Councilor Cabin we all had our own rooms which was really cool. My room was right next to the Irish one… Niall I think his name was he was really cute and his eyes looked like they belonged to angles. I wasn’t going to try anything though mainly because we have to share the same house for the rest of the summer but also because I think he is with Liam. At least that is the look Liam gave to me when me and Lou first showed up.

*Knock Knock*  I heard at my door. “Its open.” I said as I grab my letterman jacket from the closet. “Hey were leaving in five minutes.” I see a head of blonde behind me in the mirror. I couldn’t help but slip a smile. “Sounds good be there in a sec.” I looked up at him. “Take as long as you need I am going to grab some food.” I just laughed. “I have only been here less then thirty minutes and I swear all I have seen you do is eat.” He glanced back at me “A growing lads gotta eat now doesn’t he?” I just shook my head as he exited.

I walk out of my room and hit the lights. “Finally Zayn I thought I was going to have to pull you away from the mirror again.” Louis said with a grin on his face. “Well I am bring my travel one just incase.” I shot back at him. “You have a issue do you know that.” “Not as big as the one going on in your head Lou.”  He pouted at the insult. 

As we walked to the main area there was Niall at the table with a empty bowl of what seemed to be popcorn. He looked really brilliant if I must say. His hair was messy and the front went slightly up wards. He wore a plaid button up shirt, sleeve rolled up, a gray scarf, some blue bottoms, and some white Supras.

I couldn’t help but stare.  I got shivers when his blue eyes met mine.

“You all ready?” He look so adorable. “Sure are.” Louis filled in my lack of words. I couldn’t speak. I wish he was single. Now that I think of it he or anyone else have not said there orientations or availability. It will be really awkward if Lou and I are the only gay ones being the new comers of the group. “Lets go them?” Liam’s voice brought me out of my trance.


Niall’s POV

Why is he just staring at me. Zayn I mean he hasn’t looked away sense arriving to the camp. I don’t know if I should be flattered or creped out sense he slips  in the room a crossed from me. I was so happy when  Liam’s words broke the silence. We all walked out and I locked up the place. 

The bon fire was not very far from us. When we got there most of the seats were already filled up. The sound of boys talking and laughing filled the area. Councilor Ed stood up and tried getting the boys attention. “HEY SHUT UP!” A random voice from the Chaos shouted. “Thanks Mr. Jackson.” Ed spoke. “Now we are going to start up this summer the right way by singing a good ol’ fashion campfire song!” His words now filled why the others remained quiet. “I head Councilor Ed will be leading the song.” He pulled out a guitar and started strumming it to fine the tune. Ed was a Red head, Pale, Freckles, he had a little bit of orange scruff  on his jaw line. But despite his looks he had one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard.

“Niall over here.” I saw Harry patting to a seat next to him and the new guy Zayn. I still don’t get Zayn weird lad. He didn’t seem to fancy Liam much either. I make my way to the boys and sit down. Soon the whole camp was filled with the angelic voice of Mr. Sheeran and his guitar.

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