The Bartholy Place

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"Are you sure you wouldn't rather come stay at my place until you find a better one?" Loan offered before I slipped into the vehicle.

"No." I say, half laughing at him. I'm sure his girlfriend would be upset just hearing this offer... Shaking my head, I pull my feet in and start to buckle. I hear a very audible disgruntled sigh as he shuts my door. Pulling his black hair through his fingers, He seemed as though he'd lost some sort of long term battle in one fell swoop.

Getting into the car, he looked over to me before shaking his head and turning the key. "Why did you choose this place and the Bartholy's, anyway?" He asked suddenly.

"Look, I get what you're doing and you're not going to persuade me otherwise." I say, looking to my phone to avoid his gaze. "I don't see why you're so invested in what I do anyway." I add, finally. I put my phone on my lap and look out my window at the arched windows of the administrative building and the gardens surrounding the ground. The whole place had a very neo-vintage feel about it. I sigh, realizing how rushed I had to have been to not have noticed.

"I just don't see why a girl like you would be a babysitter for those people..." He remarks with a terribly sour expression. He put the car into gear and I could see the tension rolling across his shoulders as we moved swiftly through the streets. I wanted an end to this conversation so I sat in silence for the longest time, admiring the tall trees and the old houses we passed.

"We're almost there. It's only a couple of blocks away now." Loan said finally. He seemed to absolutely hate the entire idea. Personally, I was becoming more ill at ease as the sun was making its descent past the trees and the lights of the city started to turn on around us. The car sped on in a whirl of colors. Soon, we pulled up to a long, dark road.

"Wait. Where are we?" I asked incredulously.

"This is the road to the Bartholy Place. As I said, No one goes there." Loan turned to me with a look of disapproval.

"Are people here that suspicious?" I ask, nose scrunched in distaste.

"It's not a bad thing to be careful, Eilidh. Which is why I will ask once more... Do you want to hang at mine for the time being?" He asked. Intensely serious and not backing down from his stance on the situation.

"Well, I'm not skipping out on my job, Loan. So, if you would, please drive me to the house I'm set to go to?" I said irritably. This wasn't going great at all, the sun was already far behind the trees and I didn't exactly know the neighborhood all too well.

"No one goes down that road. I'm not going to be the first local to break that rule." He says getting out of the car. I get out with him, unsure of what to say. I'm shocked at this display of hatred and fear toward this family. A guy as built as Loan is... How could he be so cowardly in this moment. I guess this is where the similarities between Iacob and he end. My cousin would never shy from a trip into the unknown.

My bags beside me, I watched as Loan took off, leaving me by the bus stop on the main road. The trees were dark and looming across what seemed to be a barren street. As I started forward, though, street lamps flickered on illuminating my path. In the deafening quiet of the evening, I decide to trudge on. I was already late to arrive there as it was and, now, I have a walk ahead of me. I took my phone out to open it up. I attempt a few calls but the reception is spotty and no one picks up anyway. I feel like chucking it across the black tar of the road but decide against it. Opening the map app, I see that it's not too far off now.

Cats skip along and slide into the sewer as I turn Siri up and slide my phone into my pocket. I hear rustling in the leaves but the wind also picks up around me so I can't tell where it was coming from. Sometimes I can't help but feel like I'm being watched, even when I'm not. So, I put it behind me.

It's about a mile and a half before I see any semblance of something on this street. Tired, I stop to look up at the top of a very tall house that peeks out from behind the trees and is highlighted by a lonely moon. Glancing to the right to see how much further I have to travel, I come upon a set of large metal gates. Walking up to these iron masterpieces, I expect them to be locked. To my surprise, they stand slightly agar. I am glad to not be spending a night out of doors but something feels off about it.

A shiver runs up my spine but I brush it off. The night does that to people and they're expecting me to arrive today anyway. Wind rustling through the trees, I pass the barrier of the gate and see a winding road waiting ahead of me. Begrudgingly, I pull my things along for what seems like a mile before I make it to where I can see the large estate. I stop to look up at it in it's sort of medieval glory. The moon glinting off the roof, I suddenly feel as though I'm in that old black and white Frankenstein movie. Although it does have some modern features... This family doesn't hold back, do they?

"You have reached your destination!" Siri chirps as I hear more rustling from the woods behind me. Turning, I see nothing and I slowly turn Siri off as I move on. Maybe Loan was right... No, I can't be like that. More determined now, I walk up to the house - if you can even call it that- and pull my cases up one of the two large sets of curved stairs leading to the door. Finally at the top, I set them down and take the large knocker into my hand. It falls onto the heavy wooden door three times and I sigh, sitting back on my large suitcase as I wait. In a place as large as this, I wouldn't blame them for not being able to hear me at all.

It all seemed dark and quiet anyway. I knew I had missed my window today... Especially since I had wanted to meet Lorie before she ran off to bed. All I had hope for now was that I could make it inside safely and meet her in the morning.

Looking down at my phone to check the time, I begin to yawn but am startled by the sound of the door opening. I stand up quickly, almost tripping over and into the guy who's just answered the door.

"Hi... Hi.. My name is Eilidh and I'm the new au par." I say, putting my phone in my pocket and patting down my skirt. Looking up at him finally, I am astonished to see a blond Adonis. He looks as though he were carved from steel... My mouth must be gaping and my first impression has fallen to an absolute zero. There seems to be no way to reconcile this from the look of the laughing smirk on his face.

Although, it's not like he's had the decency to invite me in or even introduce himself. Crossing my arms, I lean against my case again. I can sit here all night if that's what it takes to get him to speak. Not that I want to; but, I can feel his stubborn arrogance and I will not bow to such behavior. The air around us becomes heated as I stare him down. His hazelnut eyes seem to sparkle with mischief. It's as though he knows that he's going to win this battle of silence.

It sparks an anger in me... I guess I've found a new pet peeve. This pale jack-dweeb doesn't move an inch and I am soon finding that I am losing my cool. I cannot let him win but I know that we've just passed an awkward hour and reality dictates that one of us must drop the forsaken ball...

"Are you going to stand in silence all night?" I ask finally. The win, obviously filling an ego in him that seemed already ready to burst to begin with.

"Do you ever shut up?" He says nonchalantly as my cheeks turn red with boiling anger at such a statement. 'Oh really?! and can you ever be polite?!' Of course... I don't say this. But I want to so much that I have to wage a battle to pull myself back. I am able to do so but, now, I just want this over with.

He stares, still, for a long moment while I start to fidget in the unease and suddenly turns. Entering the house, he leaves the front door agar and I am left wondering. I wonder what the heck just happened... But I am also left reeling on: what in the heavens do I do now?

The Moon Risesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें