The Bartholy Siblings

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Taking a deep breath, I follow behind him, entering the mansion. The entrance is gigantic and a large, velvet burgundy carpeted staircase ascends into two others before my eyes. The air is cold and seems almost unbearable. I tighten my arms around myself, trying to keep warm. I take in the decor around me and even the large marble statue but soon realize that he is nowhere to be found. I wonder where he could have gone so quickly...

I find him as though he's appeared from thin air and meet his eyes with my own. Staring at me with an insistencity to his gaze, he remains still as a statue. I don't know why this must go on or what he's playing at but I am more than done for one night.

Feeling confined by my scarf and needing it more as a shawl by now, I untie it from around my neck. A strange glow lights up in his eyes and I don't know what to make of it. What if this man is like my cousin (when he was younger)? The thought makes me shudder. Vampyric orgies and other things I dare not discuss in good company... to say I come from a colorful familial background is the understatement of the century!

Although, I shouldn't be too quick to judge this silent man before me. It could be that I am imagining this look of... I don't know if I can put a name to it even. With a final sigh, I let go of the wretched thought.

The adonis seems more lively, now, though still silent and staring. It's almost as though he is a wild cat waiting to pounce and I suddenly feel a bit on edge. But I will not be intimidated by him and look on in this continuation of our ocular duel full of dodges and parries.

I do hope that his family is not as rude. This staring contest of sorts is impolite, uncivilized, and terribly childish to say the least. I soon begin to hope that one of the others should join and break this battle of silent stubbornness. Hopefully, one who is more well-mannered.

If he was wanting to make a good impression, he's blown it. But something tells me that he couldn't care less. I do not wish to bump into him often if at all during my stay here. I have enough hell to deal with... literally.

He doesn't seem the sociable type or like he would have very many friends. Especially if he does this every time he meets someone new. I decided to break this silly silence and speak clearly. "Listen. I am not about to stand here all night. I have to meet with Mr.Bartholy about the job that he hired me for. If there's a problem with my taking this position..."

I watch as he turns away and stalks off. I almost find my situation absolutely hilarious at this point. It's not as though he's going to listen. I should have gone with Loan at this point... No. I can't even think about how bad THAT could've gone.

Somewhere in the distance, I can hear him talking to someone.

"Nicolae! Some pretty little thing just got here for Lorie..." He says. I am a bit shocked at his choice of words. Pretty little thing? Seriously? Just because he belongs to a rich family and lives in a freaking castle doesn't mean he can treat people like trash. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself why I am here and choose to keep my head. My patience is ebbing as my sleep-deprived eyes flutter and I stifle a yawn. If things don't sort themselves out soon, I might as well hike back to the main road and call a cab back to that squalid hotel.

Nevermind that... Maybe his first impression of me wasn't as bad as mine of him. It's always hard to tell who's winning on that front anyway.

A second young man finally walks in and comes toward me. He doesn't look anything like the guy who "welcomed" me. His face is softer and he has long chestnut hair that falls just barely past his shoulders. His eyes are the same warm and welcoming brown; but, it does seem that the dark vibe is definitely a trend in this house.

Still, on guard, I watch in amazement as he takes a bow like something out of a period drama. Or maybe even Japan but his bow seemed far too English still.

"Good evening! Please forgive me! I was supposed to be ready to greet you, but when I'm with Lorie, I don't notice the time!" He says in a deep, rich voice, holding his hand out to me. I've landed in a den of quirky kids, nothing I am unaccustomed to. But LARPing every day still seems a bit excessive to me.

Are all families destined to be some sort of crazy?

"I can understand that." I say with a smile, taking his hand and remembering my own sisters back home. "You must love her very much, Mr. Bartholy."

He laughs heartily and I feel embarrassed, realizing that I must've misspoken. "I am truly sorry but our father is away on business. You may call me Nicolae." He says, still holding my hand. I felt my cheeks flush as I released myself from his grip. " I'm sorry about Drogo's total lack of courtesy, by the way. Don't pay him any mind." He said with a smirk. I knew he meant it when it came to me but he seemed to be mocking the guy who'd just been so... kind... *cough*... to me. I smiled at this, stifling a laugh.

"So, are you brothers? You look nothing alike!" I say, looking between the two before the one named Drogo glares down at me then disappears somewhere up the stairs.

Nicolae laughs light-heartedly and the tension that was built up by his brother soon dissipates. "Yes, we were adopted by our father. Luckily, we brothers can manage on our own and you only have the little one to look after!" He quips and I look up at him with a surprised smile.

"I still have the job?" I ask excitedly as I feel the weight I hadn't known I'd been carrying falls off my shoulders. Confusion swept across Nicolae's face and he shook his head as if to knock away the cobwebs.

"Of course it is. It's always been yours. In fact, the things you had sent are already upstairs in your room!" He said with a smile. "I know my brother can scare even the best away but you're not getting out of the job that easily!" He teased jovially as he motioned for me to follow him up the grand staircase.

"Good. I'm relieved. For a moment there your brother had me wondering if I'd missed my chance." I say before turning to grab my bags. I gasp, noticing their absence.

"Oh... Drogo took them to your room for you. Although abrasive, he's not all bad." Nicolae said, looking down at me from the fifth step. He held his arm out for me and I couldn't help but smile at the gesture.

"Do you have a love affair with the victorian era?" I ask out-right and he stops midstep.

"Ha... I guess you could say so. The beauty and the elegance of the era. Yes, there were many things that were wrong and improved over time. But I am afraid that this era has forgotten that anyone's time is neither all bad nor all good. There were customs and proprieties that should have been spared in our fight for betterment." He half-whispered, looking off as though to some distant memory. Returning from his thoughts, he looked back at me. "Indulge one who is so hopelessly in love with a lost era?" He said, turning what I had said against me. Although he smiled, I thought I could see tears forming at the edges of his eyes.

"I would love to. Thank you." I say as I take hold of his arm and he leads me up the stairs.


Sorry it's so short this time! I will write more soon! 


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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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