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He was a friend of yours back in elementary and middle school. A slight childhood friend you could say. He lived close to your house, and you met him when your older sister's college friend came over. He was small, shorter than you, and very shy. He would hide behind his older sisters legs and sit on the couch most the time.

He was sweet, his freckles light and smooth across his skin. The second time he came over, he was easier to talk to, so naturally you both clicked before you made it to middle school. His older sister, who went to college was good friends with yours, until they both got separated. Yamaguchi older sister moved across state, you never really cared that much about what she was pursuing so you don't Remeber now. With that, Yamaguchi stopped coming over and you rarely saw him anymore.

When he was over and visiting with his older sister, you would often hang out in your room with toys and video games. One day he mentions a boy who he describes as salty, tall, and quiet. He mentioned this boy every once in a while and expressed that he would like you to meet him. He was stuck on the fantasy of having a childhood friend group.

As you agreed that he sounds like a great person to meet but you never actually did.

Fast forward to middle school, where you both find out you transferred there together after not seeing each other for about two years.

It's was a awkward hello, and and even cringe-ier "what's up with you". But, you're both definitely not as close as you were in elementary. As you parted ways again, you looked back on how things were with his silly little self.  You wondered how much he changed.

He was a little taller now, with more
???Freckles??? than you remember. His voice sounded more confident but he definitely still had that shy trait glued with it.

You bumped into him a few times at school, and has time went on it was way less awkward and weird when holding a conversation with him. Eventually you both got closer again and he held the title as a boy friend. (SPACE- THERES A SPACE FOR A REASON, NO YOU DIDNT DATE YAMS).  Over time he developed into the name Yam and silly enough you convinced him to dress up as a sweet potato for Halloween once.

You met Tsukishima every once in a while. You remember he was in some of your classes. When you would talk to Yam he would either continue walking or ignore the conversation. You have very few memories of actually talking to tsukishima, but when you did it was unpleasant. He was mean, salty, and tall, kind of the way Yam described him when you both were younger. Sometimes you managed to get your feelings hurt when trying to talk to him, so you kinda just stopped.

During the last year of your middle school you kinda shut out Yamaguchi and everyone else too. Of course, you still had conversations but it was short and quick. You could tell he was concerned but didn't know how to bring it up. Near the end of the school year, you almost completely stopped talking to Yamaguchi and you both faded from each others daily lives again. But that was same with everyone since you shut off and became a stranger.

   In the present. It was already known to each other that you were going to the same highschool . In fact, you've talked to him about it before when you were back in middle school.

When you saw Yamaguchi the first time at Karasuno you felt bad. But hell, you were feeling better so you decided to re-kindle the friendship again.

You saw him in the hallways walking to one of his classes. You raise your hand and waved as you yelled out his nickname.

"Hey, YAMS!" You shouted.

Yamaguchi turned his head around quickly, since he knew only one person called him that. He turns and looks surprised, and you lightly jog to meet up with him.

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