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As Tsukishima eats the rice balls you all continue walking.

You look up at the sky, deep ocean blue flows with the stars. Specs of light sprinkle among the cosmos and it calms you.
"Hey, my house is just up this road." Yamaguchi points towards a cross section.

"Oh, okay." You reply.

"Tsukki, can you walk koh-Chan the rest the way?"

Tsukishima looks at Yam with a irritated face. Which makes you feel bad, but on the contrary he doesn't have to act like you're such a bother.

"Really? Fucking hell." He sighs.

"Please Tsukki! Her house shouldn't be to far up, cmon." He begs.

Yam went up the corner, and both of you continued walking. Tsukishima starts putting his buds in, but before he could enter the second one and stop him.

"Do you hate me?" You ask.

"Pfft- what?"

You sigh. "I said do you hate me."



"I don't actually hate you, you just irritate me." He turns his head toward the other side of the road. It goes quiet.

It's awkward. You both continue to walk some distance. The silence becomes almost to unbearable and heavy so you decide to break it.

"What did I do that made you so cold?"



Practice? What could he possibly mean by practice? All you did was watch with amazement, especially towards him and his blocking. What the FUCK does he mean?

"You kept laughing." He said with his face straight ahead of him. "At me the most."

???????????? He got- okay wow. How do you explain that it wasn't like that. You breathe in preparing for what you're gonna have to say.

"You're stupid. I wasn't laughing directly at you. In fact I was laughing at what you said, that shit was funny." You sigh and turn to him. "Besides when you got slapped by Suga.. I was laughing at you on that."

You see that his face widens with stupidity. You can see he feels a small bit bad for what he's said, but probably doesn't care.

"Now that's cleared up, wait," you gasp, raising your hand to your mouth.

"What?" He turns to you.

"Ohohoh, were you so focused on that?" You tease.

"Wh-what? No??"

"Pfft alrighty French fries." You nudge him and he promptly steps back to dodge.

"Don't call me French fries."

"Alright salt shaker." You laugh.

He keeps quiet now. Both walking along the road. After a couple of minutes you decide to look at Tsukishima. He has his buds back in his ears, and the soft rumble of his music can be heard.

You look at his pale body. He's tall, slender, and skinny. You can tell he's not the strongest but he could probably over power you if he tried. His face, pale and smooth with the golden lamplight bouncing off as you both pass the poles.

He's actually not bad looking. His brown golden eyes looking at the ground as you walk. His skin looks soft, so soft in fact you want to touch it. Maybe tomorrow.

His soft light blonde hair, slightly curls above his head. Not many people could pull it off but it fits him well. The small swoosh you remember as he jumps up and down. In fact, when he smirks it adds a cute charm to him.

Your face goes light pink as you catch yourself thinking. You hate to admit it but, damn Tsukishima is hot.


You jump out of surprise, and quickly turn away from him.

"Hey? My house is just slightly past this corner. You need to walk the rest on your own."

"Ahh! Okay uhm yeah." You turn around and bow. "Thank you for walking the rest!"

"It's nothing," he turns his head. "Next time you look, don't stare so hard." He says, smirking.

"I- wait! No fair!"

He turns and walks away and you can feel his satisfaction radiating of his tall slender body as he walks off.

"Bye, don't be ashamed I know I'm irresistible." He yells, his back still facing you as he continues walking. He raises his hand and does a small push.

"Ew no! You wish! The only thing irresistible about you is the irresistible want to punch you in the face!" You scream back.

You walk off, blushing. Stupid Tsukishima, making you think he's strangely attractive.

Your house is only about 2 blocks away now. Not far from where Tsukishima lives.

You scowl at yourself knowing he had the upper hand, and he left with the last meaningful word. You can't seem to get the pink to leave your cheeks as you think about the way he smirked as he look down at you. Him and his idiotic smirk, stupid blonde hair and nice face.

Atleast he's a little warmer up to you now. Maybe less fights? Who knows.

As you walk up, you look for your house. Once you spot it you walk up and lift your mat for the key and enter.

As you set your stuff down you make way to your kitchen and decide to snack on your salad you bought. As your eating thoughts go through your head, like thoughts more dirty than sweet.

Does he have abs? How strong is he, what's his shoes size. Wait shoes- you stop that thought quick. You keep going, wondering if he could beat you in an arm wrestle, actually arm wrestling is out because of your hurt wrist.

You think of his features again. His lips, slightly pink. They looked soft, wonder what the feel li- you stop yourself again.

As you decide it's enough for that, and your salad is done you throw the Flimsy plastic container away. It's been a long day and your tired so you decide that you will shower when you wake up in the morning.

As you change your clothes, you hear your phone buzz. After putting a simple t-shirt and plain underwear on, you hop onto your bed and pick it up off your pillow.

It was a text from Yamaguchi.
________ Yam 🍠 _______
Yam 🍠: i sent tsukki your number
You: why? Lol
Yam 🍠: because lol, I want y'all to be        friends. And plus it's just like         
You: ahhhh I gotcha. He didn't ask?
Yam 🍠: actually he did. Which is a first from him
You: well thanks ig, I'm going to bed,
night 🍠
Yam🍠 : nighhhht~ WAIT IS THAT A

You decided not to answer that text. Your face has gone pink again. Tsukishima asked for your number. Asked. Something he apparently doesn't do. Feels out of character from when you talked to him today. Wow.

You push the back of your head in you pillow as you set an alarm. You lay, staring at the ceiling with a smile on your face. As the quiet takes over, you you drift off to a sweet slumber.

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