Rice balls

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~after practice~

At the end of the boys volleyball practice everyone packed up for the day. Hinata and kageyama stayed to practice longer, and you sigh and shake your head, wondering how they can still have so much stamina.

As you grab your bags, Yams comes up to you.

"Hey koh-Chan? Do you want us to walk you home?"

Tsukishima as you thought, trails behind him, wearing a scowl on his face.

"Ahhh are you sure? I mean thank you, but," you shake your hands in worry. "I don't want to bother."

"If your house hasn't moved we should still walk on the same pathway right-?"

You look at yams, feeling completely stupid.
"Even if I decline it would be pointless anyways." You sigh. Tsukishima is still scowling, you think maybe it's because you're added to the bunch.

"Oya!" You point at Tsukishima. "Get that scowl off your face, I'll treat the both of you to buns on the way for thank-you's."

Tsukishima only nods his head over and slightly softens his face. Meanwhile, Yamaguchi is practically jumping.

   Everyone had already left, you, Tsukishima, and Yams are walking home. The sky is a beautiful deep blue, and the stars twinkle sweetly. The air is thick with the scent of trees and moonlight.

You walk in between the two volley ball boys, making small talk with Yamaguchi along the road. Tsukishima has no interest talking to you, so he keeps a pair of earbuds pressed in his ears. The music is loud enough you can faintly hear it under the light talk of Yam and slight buzz of the trees.

Growing closer to the convenience store, you begin asking what the boys want. Yam politely asks if he could have a meat bun. Already set with his order in mind, you turn to Tsukishima.


Nothing. He just continues walking.

"Oya! Oi! You hear me?" You raise your voice. Still not much of a reply.

"TSUKISHIMA!" You yell, as you pop one of his ear buds out. He steps aside, his lanky arms slightly raised and his face in confusion and slight anger.

"What the fuck do you want!" He retorts. "Don't touch my earbuds. Fuck."

You roll your eyes. "Okay large McFries with extra salt, I was trying to ask what kind of bun you want from the store. I kept calling your name and you didn't answer."

"You could've poked my damn shoulder!" He responded.

"You should've heard me the first two times!"

"Well I didn't!" He yells. "Fuck your buns, I don't fucking want one."

  Yam rushes up to Tsukishima to get him to calm down. You stand there, pissed off, thinking what a fucking jerk he is. Who does he think he is anyways. He could've been like "oh sorry, didn't hear you, what is it?" And didn't have to have an attitude. Prick.

"Whatever! Like I care, less money for me." You taunt back at him.

Yam is still going through the effort to chill Tsukishima down, meanwhile you slowly walk ahead. As yam freaks out and yells for you to wait up, Tsukishima just stands behind growling. Yam starts jogging to catch up to you, and Tsukishima rolls his eyes and walks.

Now it's just annoying. Every sound, the crunch of your shoes along the pavement. The way the wind rustles the leaves, the small clicking of streetlights. All of it,  irritating.

You three are in front of a convenience store, the soft hue of white and blue Illuminates you three as the doors slide open. Tsukishima refuses to go inside so he leans along the wall, and for a small, tiny second, you hear his stomach growl. Yam goes in to find his bun, while you walk around looking for what you want.

You decide to pick up on a salad. Boring as it may sound it's one of the few things you can convince yourself to eat. if you do eat. You also pick up some rice balls.

You make your payments and leave, and once you walk out you three continue the way home again.

"Thank you so much, koh-chan!" Yamaguchi bows and smiles.

He bites into his meat bun, it looks warm and nice, with small streaks of steam rushing out of the bite hole. You notice Tsukishima looking at the bun, but quickly turns his head and grunts as soon as he notices you watching him. You sigh and dig into the bag.

"Here." You sigh.

"W-what?" He says, a confused disgusted look pulls at his lips.

"I said here!" You shout. "Raise your hands dumbass."

"Pfft- what no." He says. "I don't want whatever your giving me."

"Dude shut the fuck up, take it." You hold the rice balls in your hand and wave it towards him. "I know your hungry take the fucking rice ball."

He grunts and rolls his eyes as he snatches the rice balls for your hands.

"Thanks, I guess." He mumbles.
A/N- hi guys, I kinda sorta grounded rn so updates will have to wait longer.

Also fun fact, kosho is pepper in Japanese. Pepper is pronounced "koshō". We all know tsukki as
~salty boi~ and what is petter than an iconic Salt and Pepper duo!!!

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