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chapter two
The Gleam of Wet Pavement

"If I wanted men's attention, I would've just gone to a bar— not some stupid wrestling show

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"If I wanted men's attention, I would've just gone to a bar— not some stupid wrestling show."

•Blue eyes are far more sensitive to light then brown ones

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Blue eyes are far more sensitive to light then brown ones. Having a flashlight shined into her already sensitive pupil felt like cruelty and the only thing it succeeded to do was increase the pain of Prue's headache. Her whole body throbbed as she remained quiet and followed the medic's flashlight with her eyes. It was in her best interest to cooperate because, honestly, she just wanted to get out of there.

Instead of meeting up with her friend and ending this horrific night, Prudence was gotten herself into a medic's room backstage at an NXT live show. A show that she didn't even want to intend in the first place. However, there she was, getting checked for a concussion whilst Kyle and one of his other wrestling friend's murmured to one another in the corner. Occasionally, they would glance over at her and it was driving Prue insane.

Soon, the light that the medic held was turned off. "Well, you don't seem to have a concussion. However, with the hits that Mr. Greenwood described— I do suspect that you'll be dizzy and sore for a couple of hours." The medic explained, talking to everyone in the room instead of just the patient herself. "You probably shouldn't drive home and you should take some pain relievers before bed."

At that point, Kyle had moved next to the medical professional. He was listening to what her was saying, nodding. "And if her pain worsens or doesn't go away?"

"Then I will take myself to the hospital." Prue stated.  Although grateful that she hadn't been left out in the parking lot when she had been on the verge of passing out, she still didn't think that she needed some guy, who didn't even know her, to look out for her.

Kyle was about to reply, most likely with a shot back at her. Unfortunately, the beginning of their bickering was interrupted by two more men walking into the room. Unlike Kyle and his dark haired friend, Prue didn't recognize the other two men from the show. However, they both gleamed with sweat so they must have gotten done performing.

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