Technically the Intro

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Hello, everybody! It's been like two years since I've written anything on here, and since then, I've deleted all of my past books. I was a lot younger and stupider back then than I am now, so I deleted those books because they were cringey and I want to start fresh.

This book is inspired by all of the funny Wattpad cliché books I've read. I've never seen anyone do a zodiac clichés book, so I figured it would be perfect to make my own! So let's cut the crap, and get started on our first zodiac cliché:

1: all of the intros to zodiac books follow a certain formula.

If the book is any sort of zodiac sign facts, squads, and "zodiacs as" compilation, then the intro will ALWAYS be a list of the zodiac dates, in order.

I don't mind this specific cliché very much, because if someone who doesn't know much about zodiac signs decided to read the book, they will be able to figure out their own sign quickly and easily. The really annoying cliché I want to mention is this one:

In any kind of actual zodiac story (with a plot and characters and such), the introductory chapter will ALWAYS have all of the character descriptions. This is annoying because it never happens in real books. What ever happened to just starting out your story and describing the characters as you move through the exposition? BONUS: it's even more annoying when the author gives the characters really vague descriptions for important things (such as appearance), yet also gives away spoilers to the plot.


Welcome to Zodiac High School! This is a book about all of the zodiacs going to high school together.

Aries ♈️:
Date: March 20 - April 19
Gender: male
Appearance: tall with wavy brown hair and green eyes (appearance descriptions are always really vague)

See what I mean?


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