Chapter 01

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On a lonely mountain peak there is a school of monks that carries the legacy of heaven. They live and learn in the tradition of three heavenly spirits that gave them their blessings. These spirits are the Perfected Tiger, Celestial Crane, and Ascendant Dragon. Long ago the Ascendant Dragon expended much of his life force in battle with a demon lord that would have destroyed the world, and in defeating the creature, fell to earth to die. Such was not the case when his divine siblings arrived to save their dying brother, as they bound his remaining chi into two large emeralds so that he might live on. These emeralds were called the Eyes of the Dragon, and were entrusted to a group of devout monks on a mountain called Greenspire. In gratitude for their service Perfected Tiger and Celestial Crane also passed on their blessings to the monks, and for a time all was prosperous.

Unfortunately time is long and the memories of man are short, and over time the monks came to regard the Paths of Dragon, Tiger, and Crane as nothing more than philosophies. They forgot the sacrifice of Ascendant Dragon, and they forgot the reason behind their sacred duty to forever guard the Eyes of the Dragon. This was a grave mistake, because the demon lord Xyrix was not destroyed in his battle with the dragon, but was instead imprisoned in a tomb at the site of their battle. For ages he has stirred and called out to those with weak spirits and ambitious hearts. The monks of Greenspire live on in peace, never suspecting that the key to the destroyer of the world is in their possession, and that there are people who want that key.

Tian Long stirred in his humble bed. His rest was fitful and sleep was long in coming, and when sleep finally did come to him it was an endless cascade of fire and torment. As horrible visions washed over his mind, Tian Long was pulled into wakefulness by the resounding clang of the large temple bell. For his brothers to ring the bell at night could mean only one thing, an intruder on the grounds.

The young monk sat up in his bed and sprang to his feet lightly. He wore his clothes in sleep, as the mountain was cool even during the summer due to the elevation, and only had to step into his boots before he was out the door. His feet were a blur of motion as Tian ran through the temple. His short black hair waved and his dark eyes were set with concentration as he scanned the area for intruders. Listening intently, Tian could hear the voices of his fellow initiates on the other side of the expansive courtyard. Aside from their increasingly faint voices, he could hear nothing but the sounds of water running through the beautifully sculpted garden of the temple.

Unsure whether to continue his search alone or join the others, Tian looked around and on his second glance he noticed the large doors of the sanctuary were slightly ajar. It was nearly impossible to see in the faint light of the night sky, but the left door was pushed in just enough to allow a person to slip through. Given the weight of the doors it was little surprise that an intruder would not take the time to close them, effectively trapping themselves in the sanctuary.

Tian sprinted to the sanctuary and slipped catlike through the small opening without slowing. Skidding to a stop, he looked around the sanctuary for any sign of the intruder, but saw no indication that anyone else was in the room. Rubbing his head in confusion, he walked closer to the three large statues that dominated the room. To the left was the graceful figure of Celestial Crane, and to the right was fearsome figure of Perfected Tiger. In the center was the serpentine form of Ascendant Dragon, Tian's name sake and the spirit guide of the philosophical path that his journey followed. Despite the general opinion around the temple that the spirit guides were nothing more than images to provide inspiration, Tian had often felt a calling every time he looked over the three statues. Especially when he gazed into the emerald eyes of Ascendant Dragon, the two emeralds often pulled him into their depths, showing him hints of a turbulent universe beyond the monastery that longed for harmony.

Two emeralds? Tian looked again. One emerald.

That was the only warning he had as a crossbow bolt shot from the shadows, streaking towards his exposed throat. Time seemed to slow for the young monk as he saw the bolt nearly freeze in mid air, and could make out every detail from the dark fletching at the back to the wicked barbs on the tip. He could even see a strange oily substance glistening on the metal of the tip. As he tried to move, Tian realized that his own movements were slowed as well. Whatever skill allowed him to perceive things in such detail and speed, did not allow him to step out of time completely. Regardless of that limitation, his training came back in an instinctive flash, and Tian sidestepped and caught the crossbow bolt in one perfect motion. Spinning to retain some of the velocity of the projectile, he then launched it back in the same direction it had come.

Leaping from the shadows to dodge the unexpected counter attack, a dark figure landed in a crouch at the base of the three statues. The figure was poised and ready to strike like a cobra, and wore a hideous red and white mask made in the likeness of a snarling demonic lion whose mouth was frozen in a perpetual scream.

"Who are you? Why are you here," Tian asked.

Without a sound, the dark figure attacked Tian with a series of short quick strikes aimed at vital spots. Tian dodged deftly and tried to keep enough distance to keep from being tagged with those attacks. It took another couple of movements before he realized where he recognized the intruder's style.

"Black Serpent Way," Tian exclaimed, "are you here with your brothers?"

Finally the figure did speak with a sinister laugh, "I left those fools behind me years ago, and use my training to benefit myself, not some lazy old masters in the brotherhood."

He followed the statement with another series of quick strikes that sent Tian reeling across the floor of the temple. Catching himself, Tian stood solidly and spread his arms wide, the time for questions and retreat was over!

"So be it," Tian said resolutely, "I cannot let you take our holy relics."

Sprinting at the serpentine thief, Tian launched a fearsome jump kick. Dodging out of the way, the figure caught his balance and circled cautiously. Tian did not let up, and pressed the attack with a series of spinning kicks that cut the air around the figure, and cornered him for the turning palm strike that caught him in the center of his chest. Flying backwards, the thief caught himself on a hand and his knees and slid for a few feet before skidding to a stop. He violently coughed blood that landed in a long spatter across the floor, then thief slowly pushed himself to his feet and stared at Tian. Where before there had stood a young initiate, now there was a fierce dragon warrior.

As the two figures prepared to close the distance, sounds of footsteps and shouting approached the outside of the sanctuary. Tian instinctively looked towards the large doors to see if his brothers had arrived, but it was a costly mistake that the thief exploited. A flick of his wrist hurled two black throwing spikes in the air towards the young monk. Tian tried to dodge or deflect but he was caught flat footed and they found their mark. All the power and confidence that Tian had felt flowing through him began to fade as he slumped to the floor. In that same moment the doors pushed inward and a group of monks burst into the large room.

The thief gave Tian a mocking salute and then the large emerald in his left hand glowed, summoning the other Eye of the Dragon to his hand. At the entrance the other monks readied weapons to attack, but the thief said a strange word and his mask flared with bright light. In the space of an instant he vanished.

Then the poison on the spikes did its work and Tian passed out.

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