Who is it?

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*fast forward 3 hours*

I got up out of bed, and went to take a shower, and do the basic things. I then did my makeup very simply, because i was just going to be on a plane, nothing fancy, I then did my hair, and got dressed.
*this is what you wore*

*but with air force 1's, and a mini backpack, lmfaoo*

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*but with air force 1's, and a mini backpack, lmfaoo*

*you dont have to imagine yourself as wearing this, you can wear whatever you want, this is just the first one i clicked on, lol*

There were still 30 minutes left until we had to leave to head to the airport, from nj (new jersey) to Italy, (yes ik the 'boys of summer' isnt going to be in Italy, but just pretend like it is, okay, lmao) Yes, me and Mattia both lived in nj, which is weird because i had neer seen him around.

My mum and dad both drove me and roni to the airport, they were coming with us to Itay because they didnt want us going abroad alone as i was still 16, and roni was 13.

We shortly arrived at the airport after about 45 minutes of driving. I was so excited and nerous, that a knot formed in my stomach, my sister was extremely excited too. We decided to go to one of the airport diners, and quickly eat something before take off. As we were eating, i looked up, and saw a group of boys, doing a bunch of TikToks, and TikTok dances. I quickly whipped out my phone and started recording them. Roni noticed them and started to record too. Me and her couldn't stop laughing, they noticed us, and chuckled, we still didnt quite notice their faces, as their backs were turned to us, but i noticed the tall one of the group, with dark fluffy hair, and immediately thought Mattia, but i wasn't too sure.

I posted the few TikToks i took of them and i didnt realise, until later that i had caught their faces on camera. My parents came back from the shop they went too, and we stood up from our seats, and made our way to go get our luggage checked... etc

I noticed the same group of boys near us again, but i still couldnt see their faces, as their backs were turned

Y/N's mom: Y/N what are you looking at?
Y/N: huh?
My mom just laughed as she noticed me staring at the boys
i just got red from embarassment
Y/N's mom: go say hi
Y/N: omg mom no, i dont know them.
Y/N's mom and dad: mhmmm...
*they both grinned and chuckled*

Y/N: haha very funny

We got onto the plane, after everything was checked and stuff like that, (yk what goes on at an airport, lmaoo*

I sat next to my sister, and my parents were in front of us. I took out my portable charger, and charged my phone, because it had died.
I powered it on and my phone was...... SPAMMED with comments from the video i posted

{By the way, the picture above, i did make myself, before, i just typed it in and it looked good, but then i published it, and then it was all spaced out and it didnt look goof at all, so i screenshotted it when i was still in the edit mode, so no...

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{By the way, the picture above, i did make myself, before, i just typed it in and it looked good, but then i published it, and then it was all spaced out and it didnt look goof at all, so i screenshotted it when i was still in the edit mode, so no i didnt ss it off of TikTok, or get it myself, i typed it up all myself and then ss it, lmaoo}


*everyone turned to stare at me*

Y/N's mom and dad: Y/N calm your tone!

Y/N: but i-

Y/N's mom: shushh

*My dad chuckled*

I started screaming to myself quietly

roni: Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you

Y/N: HEY! Don't use that word, you're lucky mom and dad didn't hear you.

roni: whatever


roni: OMFG it's KAIRI

Y/N: and mattia, alejandro, alvaro, roshuan, robert, & mar

Me and roni wouldnt stop freaking out until...

{I made this myself, aswell, all typed up, and then i ss it, so i didnt get it off of anyone else, and i didnt ss it off of TikTok either, lol}

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{I made this myself, aswell, all typed up, and then i ss it, so i didnt get it off of anyone else, and i didnt ss it off of TikTok either, lol}

After about 3 hours of being on the plane, i really needed to go to the bathroom, like super desperately. I looked up and saw that the toilet light was green, i got up

Y/N: excuse me roni

i walked past a group of people, that i couldn't really see as they were pretty much fully covoured up, once again, lmao, i was confused as it kind of soundee like... MATTIA

We arrived in Italy after 9 hours & 7 minutes (whih thats the time it said when i googled it, lol.) After we touched down, we got our stuff and all that... We got our hotel room nd yeah, im not going to get into detail, but ykkk

I noticed somone as i left my room to go to the lobby with my parents and sister, and i saw someone...
Dk if this is interesting yet, but trust me it gets even better

903 words

Mattia SmutsWhere stories live. Discover now