Untitled Part 15

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*fast forward a few days*

i got up, picked out a cute outfit, because yk i wanted to give off hot new girl vibes, even though some people there probably already knowed me, i did my makeup, did my morning routine, and went downstairs.

my parents were at work, so i had to drive roni.

we got into the car and i typed the school address into the gps thingy because i have no fucking idea were tf it is

roni: do you not know were it is?

Y/N: well yes ofc i do, i wouldnt be typing it into the gps if i did, dumbass

the ride there, me and roni just jammed to uzis playlist

i pulled up into the schools parking lot and i saw a familiar figure, i dont know why but it reminded me of mattia

we got out of the car and walked towards the entrance, i which i had no idea were it was

roni: do you even know this school?

i was kind of in a bitchy mood today, because of moving schools and all of that but the good thing was i was goinig to see some of my friends from my previous school, because me and my friends have a gc on snapchat and we were messaging all night about what classes we wanted to have together and all of that.

i turned to face her (roni) whilst we were walking 

Y/N: bro, i already told you, how tf woud i know this school?

roni: i dont know.. mayb-

i banged into someone and turned around to see...... kairi

kairi: Y/N!! what are you doing here

me and kairi were practically besties

Y/N: omg kai, i had to move schools because something happened to my school...

kairi: oh yeah i heard about that 

kairi: hey veronica

roni: heyyyyy

she stretched out the y

kairi: do you want me to take you guys to the office to get your schedules?

Y/N: yes please

Y/N: thanks kai

his eyes lit up whenever i called him that

roni: yeah thank you

kairi: its k

we got our schedules

kairi: can i see if we have any classes together?

Y/N: of course

he scanned the paper

kairi: oh shit, we have all of our classes together

Y/N: omg really

kairi: yeah look

he passed me my schedule, and then his

Y/N: holy shit thats awesome

veronica was off to her class, she made a friend whilst me and kairi were looking at our schedules

kairi: we have english first, mattia and alvaro are in this class

Y/N: mattia?

kairi: yeah? you do remember mattia right I mean you guys did-

Y/N: kai shut tf up 

he laughed

Y/N: of course I know him dumb ass, but I didn't know you guys went here

kairi: that's a first

me and mattia hadn't talked in a few days and he hadn't answered my messages

I walked into the classroom with kairi beside me è

*T is for teacher*

T: well hello there, you must be Y/N, sit down next to taylor

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