can you come over..?

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im sorry i havent updated in a while, and ive kept you guys waiting, but i did say it was going to get interesting, idk if this part will be interesting for yall, and i keep saying it will get interesting, but i promise you it will, i have too many ideas in my head and im trying to type them up as interesting as i can, so bare with, i will be more active, and im posting a few parts, to make up for not posting in a while, ILYYYYYYYY BITCHESS, MwUaHhHhH <3

I woke up the next morning, feeling arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't think much of it as i was still pulling myself awake. 
As i felt more aware of what was happening, i thought that it couldn't possibly be Jess, i turn to my other side to see a smiling mattia staring at me, and chuckling.

Mattia: good morning

he said that in a raspy voice, (mattias raspy voice just hits diffd, im sorry but it just does, ne wayssss)

Y/N: wheres Jess?
I say looking around the room, to catch her sleeping beside roshaun

Mattia: shes sleeping with Roshaun, me and Jess decided to switch since Roshaun and Jess couldnt sleep without eachother, 

he says while pouting, he laughed, and so did i

Mattia: and i figured you wouldnt want me to sleep on the floor, and there was room next to you, so i figured..

Y/N: its okay, i dont mind, i fw it 

i ran my fingers thorough his dark fluffy hair, and he seemed to enjoy it as he moaned lightly, and pulled me in closer.

Y/N: we cant mattia, we're not alone.
I said with a smirk plastered across my face

He looked at me and frowned, all he could say was

Mattia: Okay

Me and Mattia got up and jumped on everyones beds, making them wake up 

Kairi: OwWwWw mattiaaaaaaaaaaaa 5 morr minutes pleaseeeee

Mattia: mann, shut tf up and get your lasy ass outta the bed, i aint your mom,

Kairi: fuck you mattia

Mattia turned to face Kairi and gave him a stone face, he didnt even blink once

Mattia: your going to regret that

Kairi: oh no i wont

Kairi said, grabbing a pillow from beside him, to use as a shield

It didnt quite work as alejandro grabbed it from him and threw it at mattia, Alvaro was on Mattias 'side', so he started fake punching Ale

Mattia jumped up to Kairi, and pulled him in, lightly choking him, not enough to cut his breathing off, they messed around for a bit, and i went into the bathroom to get changed.

Mattias POV:

Y/N was just so damn sexy, she was the first girl that i really had developing feelings for since what happened with Jenna.
As i was getting changed in the room, i came to the realisation that i would most likely never see Y/N again, after today.
I grew so hurt and i couldnt form the words i would tell her, i couldnt let this slip

Back to Y/N's POV:

I was getting dressed, when i heard a faint knock, but loud enough for me to hear, i opened it to see an upset looking Mattia standing there, leaning on the door frame

Y/N: whats up tia?

He looked up at me shocked, as if i had said something wrong

Y/N: did i say something wrong? 

Mattia SmutsWhere stories live. Discover now