Chapter Three - Walking Home

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(Did I make an animation for Died Twice Yesterday? yes. Am I proud of myself? no.)


   The walls of most buildings in the once bustling city were either broken down or vandalized, or they were completely abandoned, which had become normal in most places after America's death.

   Most people had resorted to a life of crime for money. thefts and murders had become a common occurrence as well as the distorted walls, being armed with a gun was a necessity for self defense.

   Though, what most average people couldn't do was something she had grown quite fond of, parkour. She flipped across the disrepaired city and glided on the roof tops, moving her legs in the air as to jump from devastated building to devastated building. she sighed angrily.

    Her and her friends had been pursuing a vigilante for awhile, yet even when they think they've killed him, he comes back.

    She grumbled under her breath as a flickering street light showed her features for seconds at a time. She had green and red hair, and defining green eyes, which had grown dull throughout the events of the night. Her gray-ish blue hoodie stained brown and dark red in areas from the events in the night prior.

   She, along with her team of two other friends, had run into the vigilante that had been taunting them for awhile. They had attempted to take him down, yet they failed, just like always. She sighed again, trying to find her friends in the darkly lit area. Her arm was bleeding, her hands scrapped and her legs cut. She still couldn't believe they had lost that badly. They had gotten absolutely recked.

   There she was, like almost every night now a days, jumping across building as she looked for her friends. She had been doing this for over five years. though she had run away from her home in search of adventure, she never expected to be an outlaw chasing down a vigilante, and getting absolutely destroyed by him almost every time they fought.

   She eventually came to the conclusion that the vigilante, who had gone by the name balance, was most likely near by, though she also decided against pursuing him in fear that his retaliation would be to much for her and get weakened state. But if their paths crossed again that night, she would definitely fight him, and win. Or at least, that's what she told herself.

  Aside from attempting to square up with vigulante who she would almost certainly be defeated by, she also needed to find her friends.

   Harmony and Patse.

    She, along with Harmony and Patse, had been out looking for Balance. They had found him, and fought him, though they had tried, they lost. Hard. Patse had been cut multiple times in the leg and Harmony had been knocked out, she was the only one who had been spared of any severe injuries, with she was forever thankful for.

   She stopped suddenly when she heard what sounded like... male voices? She ran towards the yelling, hoping to catch the vigulante off his guard.



   It had been over thirdy minutes since Germany had left to look for Russia and he was starting to get worried for the two, he wasn't alone though. Most people in the room had been making worried comments every so often, but Poland was on a whole other level of mental breakdown, his hand were shaking and any question which were along the lines of 'are you okay?' Sent him into tears.

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