Chapter 7

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"M Michael" I stuttered looking at the pretty blonde next to him.
"Kelsey fancy seeing you here." he smirked looking at Harry.
"Yeah we came here on a date." I explained.
"Oh" was all Michael said and by the looks of it he looked disappointed. I almost laughed almost.
"Well Kelsey we should all hang out." the blonde said.
"Yeah ok" Harry said and I mentally cursed him.
"Yeah we'll all hang out it'll be fun let's go" Michael said.
"Yeah let's go" I agreed.
So we all walked down to the beach and but our towels down. That's when I noticed that Michael had brought a guitar.
"You play guitar?" I asked Michael.
"A little but I'm not really good at it" he said shyly before looking down.
"Come on babe let's hear I've been waiting for ages to hear you play" the perky blonde exclaimed excitedly.
"Yeah ok what should I play?"
I replied quickly "Remembering Sunday by All Time Low and I'll sing"
"Ok" he strummed the first verse and I sang along.
He woke up from dreaming and put his shoes staring make his way past two in the morning he hasn't been sober for days.
Leaning now into the breeze remembering Sunday he falls to his knees they had breakfast together but to eggs don't last like feeling of what he needs.
Now this place seems familiar to him she pulled on his hand with a devilish grin.
She lead him upstairs she lead him upstairs left him dying to get in.
Forgive me I'm trying to find my calling I'm calling at night I don't mean to be a bother but have you seen this girl.
She's been running through my dreams and it's driving me crazy it seems I'm going to ask her to marry me. Even though she doesn't believe in love he's determined to call her bluff who could deny these butterflies they're filling his gut.
Waking the neighbours unfamiliar faces he pleads though he try's but he's only denied now he dying to get inside.
Forgive me I'm trying to find I'm calling I'm calling at night I don't mean to be a bother but have you seen this girl. She's been running through my dreams and it's driving me crazy it seems I'm gonna ask her to marry me. the neighbours said she moved away funny how it rained all day.
We only got to there when we interrupted.
"I don't like that song we should go do something else" the blonde said who's name I now knew was jasmine.
"Ok we could go back to mine jas" Michael said and stood up. "Thanks for singing and getting me to play Kelsey I appreciate it"
"No problem" I said.
"I'll see you guys around then yeah" he looked hopeful.
"Yeah sure" Me and Harry said.
"Ok bye" Michael said.
"Bye" we said then parted ways.
When we got back to my place I invited Harry in.
"Yeah sure" he said.
When we both went in I instantly kissed him pressing him up against the door. But I didn't feel any butterflies line with Michael. I slipped my hand up his shirt before he pulled away.
"I should get going" he said.
"Yeah I had fun" I said.
"Me too see you later Kels."
"Yeah bye" I replied.
After he wakes out i slumped down the doors and sat there wondering when I would get Michael back.

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