Chapter 8

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I finally got off of the floor and changed into some pajamas. I quickly made my bed then went downstairs to take my pill because I have random panic attacks. I swallowed it with some water before slamming the cup down into the sink. I ran upstairs before trying to call my mom and this time she actually answered
"Hello?" I heard a man's voice answer.
"Yes is Kara there?" I asked my hands started shaking.
"No but I'll tell her to call you back ok" he replied.
Then my vision started to get blurry and my hands were shaking uncontrollably and that's when I knew I was having a panic attack. I grabbed my phone barely typing in the familiar number and letting it ring. Michael answered.
"Kelsey what's up"
"M M Michael" I gasped. "you n n need t to c come over I in having a a p panic a attack."
"I'll be right over." he said.
I sat back against the wall and put my head inbetween my legs. Then I heard the door open then close. The next thing I knew Michael was there rubbing my back and whispering how I was going to be ok.
After a while the attack passed and I almost collapsed into Michaels arms.
"I'm so sorry I called you Michael". I cried.
"No no I'm glad ok I'm just glad I could come and make sure you were ok Kelsey."
I looked up at him with tears clouding my vision but could see he was crying to.
"Why are you crying?" I asked.
"Because I don't think I could live without you Kelsey your my world." he smiled gently.
"What about jasmine?" I asked again.
He looked guilty before saying "she was to make you jealous."
"Oh" I said.
"Yeah" he kind of laughed.
I looked at him again and said "Michael will you stay with me tonight?"
"Yes Kelsey." he replied.
I got up off of the floor and started waking to my room before I felt myself get swept off of the floor and laid on the bed.
"Very cheesy" I laughed.
My laughing got cut off by Michael placing his lips on mine. But it wasn't hard or rough it was soft and he kissed me like he needed me. he desperately licked my bottom lip asking for permission which I granted by opening my mouth. He then place his hands on my waist and I ran my hands through his hair pulling gently on the ends which made him moan. He was about to pull off my shirt when I stopped him.
"What's wrong" he asked.
"I just don't want to go to far tonight ok"
"Ok" he smiled before pulling and towards him.
I put my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Goodnight Michael" I said
"Night Kelsey" he said
Then very softly lighter than a whisper barely heard he said " I love you Kelsey Daniels."
That was the last thing I heard before falling asleep in Michaels arms and talking how much I loved this boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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