octane headcannons 1

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1 octane's stim is a mixture of monster, glowstick juice, and illegal substance

2 lifeline bloodhound and wraith are known as the ' search and rescue team' responsible for dealing with him and any ' octane accidents ' that occur

3 he lives off of monster, red bull, cOkE, microwave diners, and chips

4 when octane is ' off his rocker ' the search and rescue team' has to find him and make sure he doesn't hurt any one or him self

5 lifeline litteraly want to kill octane Becuse he ALWAYS needs meds.

6 octane doesn't sleep, he only passes out with exhaustion.

7 octanes room is a warzone filled with dirty bandages,cans and chip bags

8 octane will go out side and just run around when he's bored and all the other legends are busy or sleeping, when there not busy he will bother them until there annoyed

Thank you for reading please comment your own headcannons or if you have any ideas on what I should write please comment ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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