comment on insecurities

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Stretch marks : she hates hearing people say that their ugly because she loves them and thinks that there so unique.

Scares:  if you even mutter anything about not liking your scares your bet your ass bloodhound will be right there to tell you other wise. They believe that scares should that you've grown and come overheard ships

" If people knew the real me they'd hate me": caustic knows all about hiding how you really feel but he will push you to open up slowly.

Height: Gibby doesn't care whether you are 4'3 or 7'9 he will be there for you and make sure you feel as strong as the other legends.

"I'll never be as strong as you are":
B- Ajay will not tolerate that. She will make sure that you think and know that you are as strong as her.

"I'm not pretty/handsome enough": mirage will literally do anything to make sure that you feel confident in you looks, weather it is a sleep over or a spa day. HES.GOT.U.BOO.

Weight: if octane likes you he skinny or got a little more on ya he is ay okay. just as long as you stay healthy and eat a good about.

Mental health: wraith knows all about not feeling comfortable in her own mind set. She will try anything in her power to try and help.

Scares: since she has some more visible she's definitely dealt with alot of comments but is she hears you hating on your own she will make you talk it out with her.
(Sorry I did this one twice it's just wattson makes sense for this as well)

Anything: he just doesn't care, IF your close tho he will kinda listen to you vent and only say " u-hu' and "shit that sucks" ever once and a while.

Anything: path is alot my sympathetic but it's also kinda, fake, like he doesn't give some good help but for any emotional help he's not the person to go to.

"I'm not smart enough": BRU crypto will do anything to prove that your smart and by that I mean he will make you play videogames on hard mode (strategy games)

Body dysmorfia: loba doesn't  suffer from this but she will literally pay for anything to help, don't have clothes that make you feel comfortable? Loba will buy you a whole new wardrobe. Need surgery, bitch she knows a guy and will pay everything off. But everything comes with a price

Shit this could have been 420 words but welp I wrote to much

apex headcannons, incorrect quotes and imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora