Chapter 4

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"What is it [Y/n]?"

"It's saturday so, let's go to the park!"


"Uhmm nothing.. I just want to go somewhere with you."

"Okay. [Y/n]. Lets go."

"Wait! Lets change first okay?"

(Wear any outfit you want)

"Lets go Kōshi."


The two went at the park and bought ice cream. They sat at a bench when they heard giggles from behind.

"Well look at this girls. Isn't our lovely [Y/n] eating ice cream with her... Ermm.."

"Omg is she your girlfriend? Come one silver guy, you deserve better than her!"

"I'm sorry but I would choose [Y/n] over you girls."

"And what the hell do you like about her?! Shes ugly and dumb!"

"What the heck." [Y/n] whispered.

"You know, you better read a dictionary so you would know what ugly and dumb really means."


"Yes [Y/n]?"

"I think it would be better if we leave. Let's not start a fight okay?"

"Alright [Y/n]."

They left but not before [Y/n] received a glare from the girls.

"Are they your classmates?"

"Yes. They are."

"They're mean."

"I know. But I never had a chance to... To fight... I'm so weak."

"No [Y/n]. You just don't want to make the problem bigger right?"


"But don't worry. Now, no one could hurt you."

"Thank you so much..."

"Hmm.. So where should we go now?"

"Maybe we should buy foods then watch a movie in out house."


They decided to eat first and watch movie at night time. When they finished their dinner they chose a movie to watch.

"Hey Kōshi, you can pick the movie."

"Okay. How about this?"

Kōshi showed [Y/n] the romance movie. [Y/n]'s face reddened.

"Alright. Let's watch this."


"Hey Kōshi... Do you also feel love?"


[Y/n] looked at Kōshi.

'Oh, he's asleep.'

"Okay Kōshi. Maybe you really need to recharge now."

[Y/n] turned off the tv and tucked Kōshi in their bed.

"Good night Kōshi."

「Programmed」‖ 「Kōshi Sugawara x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now